Riveroflifelisajoy’s Weblog

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Archive for November 6, 2007



This year has been good to my family and friends.  It has had it’s ups and downs—but over all —I  have a few things that I would like to highlight today. 

My son graduated from junior highschool—actually a 9 year relationship with a Lutheran School has now come to an end.  That school,  although it  was a bittersweet relationship with me—  the schools  teachings helped my son to overcome the devastating loss of his father and my husband nine years ago.  —

So now my son attends a public high school called World Journalism Preparatory!!!  It is fabulous!—The principal and her staff have a goal to reach the kids through writing—and  it works!!!  My son writes his own blogs about class work—isn’t that great?  I used to critque his writing that he did on paper—you know the mistakes and errors etc.—But now it is completely out of my hands—He blogs to his teacher about American History—or even the science homework.  Even his math class has a blog that he is required to respond to daily.  School has certainly changed—for the better!!! 

My son has friends at school,  and he feels comfortable—For that I am truly thankful—teenage years can be very difficult— My son is very talented with his tennis playing and for that I am truly thankful—-Tennis Kids are a great bunch of children for your kids to associate with!!!

I had suffered chest pains earlier in the year and I was able to be evaluated and let go from the hospital— I am truly thankful for my heart health!!!!

My Mom had  been sick earlier this year—-Yes I am truly thankful for the miracle of doctors, and nurses and all related service providers who helped my mother!!

I have a job to go to everyday….It is not the most high paying job—but it keeps a roof over my head (read my blog on the price of rent today)  –My job has paid for health coverage, 911 medical calls for my son who has a medical condition (he does not like to be babied about it)–hospital stays,  medicine,  eye glasses,  and dental coverage are all in cluded—-So yes I have a great deal to be thankful for—-

NO,  I am not Ophra Winfrey—-I will never be a billionaire—-I am not BEyonce—even though I can sing —I am 47 and no one wants me to jump all of my 265 pounds across a stage and sing at this point in my life—-But I do sing when asked—-read my blog on (Who is Lisa JOY)–

Yes—we can be thankful for the little and  big blessings in our lives!!!!  —-to be continued as the season progresses….. I  will talk about sales,  and gift items soon!!! (read my blog on Flea Market shopping!!!)




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To the gentleman that responded—Thank you for taking out the time to acknowledge the struggle that is quite near and dear to my heart!!!  I love the Internet,  I love the computer age—however—the issue to which I spoke was generated from a  System wide Worker computer.

—-not my individual PC—-these computers are controlled from a central system—-SO THIS IS A MASSIVE GLITCH!!!  Where are the think tankers—the programmers,  the head geeks that are supposed to keep “workers computers up and running?” 

 It is not just the computer age—IT IS THE RED TAPE AGE OF CHECKS AND BALANCES IN  THE  GOVERNMENT—-You know—John can’t fix the computer because he is not part of the union—if he does fix the computer and a union guy finds out about it—guess what?—John may come to work the next day and find one of those grotesque 10 foot rats greeting as he enters his work-site

—-So the computers can not fix themselves—especially if it is a SYSTEM WIDE GLITCH!!! UGHHH!!!!!  I hope that this clarifies this issue a little better- why this stupid glitch!!!????

——Hopefully I will keep my stress level down by blogging and you guys continue to blog too.

Flea Market Shopping-What is wrong with that?

I went shopping yesterday and I loved it.  I brought so many things for just buck!  I brought some black leather gloves for $5.00 and some hair conditioners and all like that for a buck a piece.  Closeouts most likely!   Whatever—it was sealed,  clean and worked for my present budget!!!!  Hey—I do not own a Lexus!!! But there were people at the Flea Market who do drive Mercedes Benz,  BMW’s etc.  How do you think the rich stay rich?   Certainly not by excessive spending!!!! 

I brought so much stuff when my son was small that my husband had complained!!! He said,”Where are we going to put all of these cars!!!  You see,  I found cars that my son could ride around in the back yard!  I even purchased a jogging cycle that I could place my son in while I jogged.  Green Acres Valley Stream Mall—at the Ciniplex Movie Theatre is the best!!!!  It is free for the shoppers and a fee for the vendors!!!! 

This bargin shopping is really my mother’s fault.  I am a controled shopper—but I feel ripped off if I spend a decent hundred dollars on any (1) item.  I have to be able to get atleast 20 items for the hundred.  Twenty well wanted—popular,  items for that hundred dollars. 

When I first starting working in the private sector in my twenties,  I went to Lohemans!!!  I was ultra thin and with a tiny Betty Boop waist—I found size 10’s for $10.00—marked down from $100.00 or more (((of course designer dresses!!!!)))  My mother tried to help me to dress to impress for the work world and it worked!!!  I work traditional exceptional looking dresses that cost less than the going rate. 

I also love Marshalls too!!!!   Boy—if I was Ophra Winfrey  I would not waste my money on buying direct from the designers—I would go to Marshalls,  or Lohemans—get my drift?  —Okay,  Okay—maybe I would not go to those stores if I was going to walk the Red Carpet—-but for everyday stuff—Lohemans and Marshalls HERE I COME!!!!

Now back to the flea market…..I like the flea market because you can get that every day stuff that is taxed so high!!!!  —No tax at all—really!!!  You can get costum jewelry,  blankets,  sheets,  shoes,  undies, men’s drawers,  boxers,  baseball caps,  cooking spices,  gardent supplies,  plants,  radios*,  cameras*,  TVs*, electronics*  (watch that stuff closely—do  not buy unless you have tested it and you see that vendor there every Saturday or Sunday)—But basically—even suitcases too!!!  Look–this is not shopping for the weak and fraile—you have to walk and look,  haggle a little—but not too much. 

I got a men’s jacket for my son who likes all the oversize stuff —guess how much I paid!???  $5.00!!!!  It is a current, unused,  brand new jacket?—Too hard to believe?!!!  Well, it is a weird story—but just before the man was to put the jacket away for  the end of the sale day a sealgull took his moment to release his digested meal on the front of the jacket.  —I had recently been blessed in the same way while walking through the Queens Farm Museum on Little Neck Parkway by some pigeons flying over head….so is that  a big deal to me?  I do not get child support,  and I pay $1600.00 per month in rent—my son eats and I do not get food stamps—single parent —widow to be exact—no assistance—So I am not cheap—$38,000.00 is the new POOR—like the idea that a 43 year old woman today in 2007 is the new 33 year old woman—you know savvy,  self aware—wearing youthful but elegant clothing etc.,  etc.,—-But my story is different—my 47 year old womanly self is the new 76 year old elderly woman—because I am the poor end of middle class with a hungry male to raise—ya –digg!?—-

So please do not judge me to harshly for buying a $5.00 coat with birdy doo on it—-I would prefer to shop at models or Macys—but I just cannot—-$40.00 to $200.00 is not possible on the debt to income ratio that I live on!!!! 

My son was happy with it.  He understands the problems that we are faced with.  As one of my other blogs talks about—What is the REAL price of Rent today—anyway!!!???  Rent has some many aspects that include neighborhood,  and quality of life—so that is why my pockets are bare…..Any one out there in blog land relate to this?—

So what is wrong with Flea Market shopping  any how!!!!????


Yeah,  that’s right!!! I said it—-THE FAULTY COMPUTER AGE!!!!  Computers are great until they stop working…..just like your car is great until it stops running—usually it is our own fault.  But what happens when the computer gets a glich like the one I have been experiencing for several months! 

 The computer system throughout my job has a problem that can only be fixed internally—not externally—-I already asked—“Can you do your work on paper without the use of the computer—you know by pass the problem and then send information by messenger instead of playing around with a system that needs a computer techi–geek “RX” to fix it?  Everyone told me no!  Everyone in on the problem stated that they “all”  called several other offices and nothing can be done—-this is unbeliveable!!!

How can —productivity be enhanced while it is being driven back by “gliches” in the system?   Where is the widget that magically fixes all of the gremlins that jump into cyber land and foul up a communication system that could work?  I love the high tech speed with which I can talk to my son’s teachers,  check his school grades and even buy his school lunch all by computer pass word—Look when the system is good —it is very, very good—but when it is bad—Oh boy it is HORRID!!!!

It is like a “timeless cyber zone”  where numbers,  knowledge, and programs collide like atoms  either due to a system worm,  spyware,  security breach and all that—mean while no one can get the thing to run,  apply,  work  or what ever you what to term it!!!!  HELP!!!!!  I AM IN A COMPUTER CYBER PROGRAM VORTEX!!!  The faulty computer age is here to stay—-mostly because it is good—saves time and money—but right now—it is really,  really frustrating me!  ya- dig!!!!????