Riveroflifelisajoy’s Weblog

Just another WordPress.com weblog

Archive for Physical Pain from Heat and Exhaustion

SAND GRAINS ON FLAT GROUND by Riveroflifelisajoy



The sun beats down

I can smell the sweat on 

my scalp and hair, the water trickles

down my back and I feel

like tearing my skin right off

Boils begin to fill with

clear fluid

as I look toward the

horizon my feet

tingle and burn

while I place one

foot in

front of the

other.  The back

of these cheap

sneakers is

rubbing against my


blistered ankles

but I must go toward

the tiny speck in the

distance.  It looks

like a bunch of trees and possibly

a resting place

So each step more painful

than the other.

I hope I find some of my

friends there

Sipping  Green Tea on

ice, and waving me

to continue to finsh my journey


The grains of  sand on this

barren flat land are being

whipped up into dust and it

clouds my minds eye. 

I cannot look beyond the

obvious…yet the obvious is

too harsh to cope with.

“Come to us bid the tiny dots

in the distance.”  You just sit

right there and wait for me…

I keep repeating this to myself

as my feet start to bleed.

My big toe feels like a splinter is stuck

deep inside.

Why did I wear these deck shoes


I decide to keep

a weather eye on the horizon….



