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Archive for Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution






Who am I you ask?

What are my abilities you wonder.



I have not come this far  by your

direction,  or by your power.

The higher authority that breathed

life into my frame,  who

very much ordained my name

decided…and so it was!

Perception is sometimes powered by


Misconception is sometimes powered

by dislike!

Who am I you ask….

I am the force and the will of creation…

I am the power of the volcano’s eruption

molten lava rolling and burning a path through


A tornado in all of its thoughtless,  callous chaos….twirling

in beauty and destruction without apparent destination, or goals…

intent on devastation…yet in simplistic natural beauty powered by an unseen

machine and engine.

A hurricane large and moving in speeds of one hundred mile an hour winds, ripping trees from their root beds and tossing homes and cars like children’s toys…yet again powered by an unseen mechanical engine of such power as to draw all living and dead into its path.

So who am I you ask?

Incased in this flesh I am mortal,  a woman,  an individual with thoughts,  feelings and ideas.

Yet you perceive me weak,  you know….first impressions and all….

But oh,  do not be deceived….just as you are ….I see through to your very soul….

we are both

the force and will of creation!

Just as I have and you have the ability to be creative,  so do I ….just as you have the ability to be destructive so do I.

I chose life…

what do you choose?

Within me reigns the absolute power to choose—to be the FORCE AND WILL OF CREATION!

Charles Darwin Theories..UPDATE FOR MAY 15, 2008—POLAR BEAR HAS BEEN ADDED TO ENDANGERED SPECIES LIST…BREAKING NEWS FROM 1010 WINS ON 5/14/08!!!!..extinct animals return to grace us with their beauty! Now lets start working on saving our world for them and our children’s children!

 I am writing this as an update to this article.  My  heart is hurting for the POLAR BEAR!  It is a beautiful animal.  But its natural habit is being destroyed by GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!  1010 WINS radio stated it today.  That our nation… added it.  I feel dismay and fear for our world and its future.  AS I WATCHED MY NEW FAVORITE MOVIE….EVAN ALMIGHTY…..I WONDERED…..WHO WILL BUILD THE ARK FOR OUR ENDANGERED SPECIES??????  WHO WILL SAVE THE POLAR BEAR???? WHEN THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF THE WORLD BECOME TOO WARM AND THERE ARE NO MORE ICECAPS….WHO WILL SAVE US?????   Think about it and start talking and start writing to your congressman…..PLEASE!  OUr world depends on it….your future, and my future, and the CIRCLE OF LIFE depends on it!!!!

I love to blog about our natural resources and our animals that are part of our existence.  Even if you live in a high rise apartment building do you realize that our planet is governed by certain scientific rules that keep our living enviornment a living enviornment? 
We need the rain forests, and regular forests to get rid of carbon.  The less trees, and vegetation the less oxygen for us all.  Green cars,  hybrids are part of the solution. 
HOwever, the constant dregding of the ocean floor and the constant oil spills in the ocean from the barges that carry the exumed oil are killing the ocean animals and birds. 
 Look at these great pictures taken from Black Voices AOL  TITLED RARE ANIMAL SIGHTINGS….and think of what you can do. 
Even if you live in a concrete jungle….think what role you can play to save the green tree jungle for  future generations of animals and humanbeings.

Photo Gallery

cloud rat 

This cloud rat, found in a mossy forest about 7,700 feet above sea level in Mt. Pulag National Park in the Philippines, was the first of its species to be seen in 112 years. Click through the photos to see sightings of other rare creatures.


Photo Gallery

Rare Vietnamese turtle
Rare Vietnamese turtle

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo / AP

Rare Sightings

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Researchers from the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo said April 16 they have discovered a rare giant turtle in northern Vietnam. Swinhoe’s soft-shell turtle was previously thought to be extinct in the wild. Three other turtles of the species are in captivity, including this one.

Photo Gallery

Lungless Frog; reported April 9


A peculiar breed of frog discovered on the island of Borneo seems to have evolved in reverse, scientists reported April 9. Unlike most creatures that developed lungs as they crawled out of the ocean, the lungless Barbourula kalimantanensis breathes through its skin.

Photo Gallery


Guess what?  there is such a thing as a wolverine!  What can we do to perserve our forests….use less paper?  Replant trees…Keeping it green for such animals.

Until this picture of a wolverine was taken on Feb. 28 by a motion-and-heat-detecting digital camera in the northern part of the Sierra Nevada range in California, scientists didn’t believe wolverines still existed there.

Photo Gallery

White killer whale

This is a albino killer whale.  The ocean dredging is killing our oceans and the animals that are within.  The constant over fishing is causing the sea animals to loose their food source. 

Researchers working near Alaska’s Aleutian Islands on Feb. 23 spotted a white killer whale, which they estimate was 25 to 30 feet long and weighed more than 10,000 pounds. This is only the third time in the past 15 years that such a whale has been seen in the area.

Photo Gallery

Maud Island frog

Kerri Lukis, Karori Wildlife Sanctuary / AP

This Maud Island frog lives at the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary in New Zealand. The rare breed, which has changed little over the past 70 million years, is thriving in the predator-free environment. Unlike other frogs, they hatch fully formed, skipping the tadpole stage. They also do not croak, live in water or have webbed feet.

Rare Sightings

Amur leopard

This is another  animal….so rare that there are only thirty n the world.  Our extistence is dependant on the extistence of our animals. 

In October, wildlife officials caught and examined a critically endangered Amur leopard in order to possibly find out how inbreeding undermines its tiny population in eastern Europe. There are only about 30 such animals left in the wild.

Photo Gallery

Telea hairstreak butterfly

This beautiful butterfly so delicate….What can we do to continue to see these rare animals/insects?

Visitors flocked to Falcon State Park in Texas after this rare telea hairstreak butterfly was captured on film by Berry Nall in October. The butterfly hadn’t been seen in the U.S. for more than 70 years.

Photo Gallery

Soft-shell turtles

Conservation International / AP

Rare Sightings

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In May, scientists discovered these rare soft-shell turtles, once thought to be on the brink of extinction, in a once-restricted part of Cambodia.

Photo Gallery

The long-whiskered owlet

These animals can live without our basic assistance.  All they need from us for us humanbeings  to clean up factory emissions,   carbon emissions and chemicals that are leaking into the water and ground and stop cutting down the forests.  What can we do to save this planet for ourselves and our fellow inhabitants like this owl called…..

The long-whiskered owlet, one of the world’s smallest owls, was spotted in the wild for the first time in February 2006. It was seen in a private reserve in Peru.

Photo Gallery

Giant squid

National Science Museum of Japan / AP

Rare Sightings

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A beautiful large eye looks out from a unique  organism.  Living unususal and should have the right to live its life.  If we empty the ocean…what will happen to the earth?  Should we dredge for oil and over fish?
In December 2006, scientists released footage of a giant squid — here attacking a bait squid — that may be the first images of a live giant squid at the water’s surface. Sources: AP, livescience.com
Please help keep the earth green for the vegetations and blue for  ocean animals and for ourselves.  Read,  write letters, get involved.  Global Warming?  Who knows?  But cabon emissions, polution are all quite real.  So lets. come together  as the human race.  Does it matter that my skin is brown, yours is white, his/her skin is yellow?  Each living thing is beautiful and has the responsibility and right to exist.  Look at the Squid above….it is strange, but beautiful.  Lets help it to survive….our survival depends on it.
——Survival of the fitest means that the higher the speicies…the more responsible that we have to be to ensure the survival of ALL SPECIES….NOT JUST THE FITEST OR THE STRONGEST….REMEMBER THE CORNY MOVIE….LION KING?   CIRCLE OF LIFE….LETS STAY LINKED AND SURVIVE!

Controversy of the New Governor Paterson: I Need Parental Guidance for the Latest News Stories! Wow! Threesomes….I never thought such Words would be connected to Elected Officials!

   Jay Jewels Cry FOR HUMANITY(Jay Jewels “Cry for Humanity”)

I just can not take it anymore!  I had heard alot of negative things about Spitzer  before this  big mess came to the front.  All I want to know is this.  When he was having these activities where were his security team? 

Look,  I really do not want to discuss Spitzer.  I just want to know why the news papers have to keep making each head line full of words that you do not want to discuss in front of your kids….even your older kids for that matter.

  I am very open  in discussion with my family on many topics.       But the McGreevy issue was so way over the top of my level of existence I was embarressed.  I felt like I had a furtive glance over at the dirty magazine section in the subway newsstand!  I do not know what the future holds! 

What was worse is  that today I saw our new Governor’s wife’s foot bottom with her big toe sticking way out from underneath her leg in a yoga pose on the front of the Daily News!  Is that really neccesary?  Is it required to show every aspect of our elected officials private selves?

  I will not have the bottoms of my feet and big toe photographed just to get a private sector or public service job!  I just do not get it!  Did the legally blind new Governor Paterson cheat on his wife for three years or less? 

 Why did I have to know about it?   I do not believe any one has not cheated …even if it has been emotional cheating.  You know what I mean.  The type of cheating that involves the phone calls to a good “friend” from work. 

 You eat lunch with this person and laugh about job issues, get frustrated together,  complain about the same stuff and cry on each other’s shoulder when the other does not get that much wanted  promotion.  YOu know what I mean!  That job friend that is of the opposite  sex! 

 Emotional committment….days that person is absent from work…are empty days.  Sometimes you might even tell your spouse that you work friend was sick and work slowed up in his or her absence!  You just could not hide your emotions about the empty feeling you had all day.  So now you mope!

Any way,  I digress!  The problem I find in all of this open discussion is that after a while everyone will be found guilty!  Even today in the AOL Black Voices blog….the mayor of Detroit, who is black  is now being told to step down for not telling the truth about his affair! 

 This had nothing to do with his actual job.  But if you have cheated on your spouse, or had an affair you must come clean about it!  Or you face being let go under big,  big,  shame!  “THE SCARLET LETTER HAS RETURNED!”  —for those of you who are literature buffs! 

 Do we have to now tell of the crushes we had as little kids, tweens, teenagers,  then pets we owned,  aunts, uncles, we liked  or did not like?

  Do we have to tell of the time we accepted a gift and then turned around and regifted it because we lied about how much we liked something and really didn’t?  Are there going to be lie detector tests that will analize whether we tell somebody that the dress they brought looks good on them or not and whether we mean it? 

Do you have to now double check yourself and your personal relationships before you apply for a job?  Where will this end?  Public service is truly public isn’t it?  I just can’t take it any more. 

 I do not  want to know so much personal information.  I want to just know that I can get my taxes lowered,  get an increase in my annual pay,  go to college cheaper,  pay for my dental work cheaper….lose weight safely and go on trips in our free country!  Prosititution is not acceptable….definitely not! 

But do I have to see Governor Paterson’s wife’s FEET on page #2 of the Daily News?  Can we leave nothing private?  I never saw Nancy Reagan’s feet,  I never saw Hillary Clinton’s feet,  I never saw Jimmy Carter’s (President Carter’s) wife’s feet! 

 So why is Mrs. Paterson’s life so exposed?  JUST TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!!!!  JUST LOWER THE RATES OF CAR INSURANCE!


Can we get back to business please and save the planet and mankind please!  The only bare foot I want to see is that of a homeless person getting shoes and socks put on it! 


Thank you.


Our CoExistence with Animals and the Conflicts that Arise:”To Dismay of Inspectors, Prowling Cats Keep Rodents on the Run at City Delis” by By KATE HAMMER (Article published in the New York Times on December 21 2007

FRUSTRATION.jpgI have had cats, dogs, guinea pigs,  and a hamster as pets.  Since I was a  child my mother has had a love of animals.  I have developed a love of animals too. 

If I was a more intelligent human being I would have been able to take up a career as a Veterinarian, or zoologist, or even been   like the poor   deceased  Steve Irwin,   that was so famous for his care and interaction with extremely wild animals ( who died from the accidental Stingray stabbing). 

 I think I got this way of thinking from watching Mutual of Omaha’s “Wild Kingdom,”  or Jacque Cousteau.     One of my all time favorite cable programs is animal planet.  As an adult I have come to love “Animal Planet” on cable. 

I only have a difficult time watching the shows that highlight animal rescue based on animal abuse.  I cannot stomach abuse programs.  I become too emotional.  But I stay glued to the television until the show is over.

  But then I think about how my mother  handily (with my help of course between the ages of 12 and 20 years old–believe it or not!***I used to volunteer and care for or walk animals at the Freeport Animal Shelter)  saved cats and dogs on the streets.  My mother would find organizations that would donate food,  and spay for free and then she would place adds in the news paper to get the “saved animal a home.”  

My mother developed friendships with two women who helped her with “newspaper”, and veterinarian’s that saved animals when injured or treated infections for a cheaper price (since it was based on the animal rescue.) 

My mother would often go to car junk yards and find female dogs that had just given birth to  puppies, or skinny male dogs wandering a neighborhood hungry — and bring them food late at night or early in the morning. 

 My mother was fearless!  My mother never, ever got bit by animal!  Never!  Oh, and neither did I!  Giving an animal space, and time to adjust to you as the helper  takes time….but it can be done.    

 Because   my mother assisted animals as a younger woman as I was growing up,  I feel that it will always be my duty to maintain that mentality as much as possible.  Thus the reason for the following article that I am highlighting here today.   The above title tells it all.  

We as humans have to co-exist with each other and the  around us.  It does appear to be a great idea for bodega owners to use cats to help cut down on the mice and rat populations that generally frequent food stores of any size. 

However,  the discussion on the health code is crucial.  While I was pregnant with my son (who is now 14 years old)  I was told that a pregnant woman should not handle cat feces!

  Well,  even when I was a kid, cleaning the kitty litter box…was my most dreaded chore!  I could not stand the smell and the look of the old fashioned kitty litter box!  I would look at the clumps of waste rolled up in the sandy mixture of the kitty litter box and feel sick to my stomach. 

 —But I understand that the doctors have explained that the bacteria is dangerous to a pregnant human.  Thus my understanding of the Board of Health on the illegal practice of a cat being in a bodega! 

 Question:  Which is worse,  the cat in the store, or the rat on the floor of the store, and in the packages and on the shelves throughout the store ALL NIGHT LONG?  When I was watching Animal Planet station I saw a program called “EXTREME ANIMALS.”  

This program would highlight extreme characteristics of various animals from the tiny to the gigantic!  One night I saw a highlight on rats.  It showed how a rat can “swim” through the pipes of a house and even bore a hole through a household pipe that holds water in your own house.  I could not believe it!

Then you know what happened?  My mothers home,  where we lived at the time had a strange occurrence!  I noticed in the basement,  where lighting was poor,  there were mounds of dirt around by the corners of the finished basement walls and behind the toilet in the basement. 

 I said to myself….where did this stupid dirt come from????  I thought my dog had done something crazy, like bring dirt into the house. 

 But I found the culprit!  It was a rat….or several rats!  My mother as I have written in the past,  owned a very large lot.  Directly behind our piece of land in Springfield Gardens Queens,  there had been an abandoned lot for many, many, many years.  Suddenly money was pouring in from the banks and people developed the land behind our house and built two houses. 

 After the houses were built, now we received the fall out from the rats.  My mothers home was in her possession at that time from the year of 1955 to the year 2006!  Crazy Right???!!!  My mother had that house many years. 

 I was told that rats can eat through the foundation of a house.  I thought that a mole had gotten into the house….but it was a rat. 

 Look,  I will not go any further….just know that I eventually MOVED OUT OF THAT HOUSE!— So in my defense of the store owners who keep cats…..I understand the conflict that they are having.

  If they do not do something and the legal pest control methods do not work…What to do?  What to do?  Rats will RUN YOU OUT OF YOUR OWN HOUSE—IF THEY ARE NOT CONTROLLED! 

 I do not like to “kill any thing”—but let us be realistic.  Safety,  and protection for humans is a must.  But the methods by which we control pests must be evaluated constantly!  

 Read the following article….respond and tell me what you think.  It gives, *excuse the expression…food for thought!

To Dismay of Inspectors, Prowling Cats Keep Rodents on the Run at City Delis

Richard Perry/The New York Times

Holly scares the rodents away at home, a deli in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

To Dismay of Inspectors, Prowling Cats Keep Rodents on the Run at City Delis

Richard Perry/The New York Times

Holly scares the rodents away at home, a deli in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

function getSharePasskey() { return ‘ex=1355979600&en=6da19eae7490fa1b&ei=5124’;} function getShareURL() { return encodeURIComponent(‘http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/21/nyregion/21cats.html’); } function getShareHeadline() { return encodeURIComponent(‘To Dismay of Inspectors, Prowling Cats Keep Rodents on the Run at City Delis’); } function getShareDescription() { return encodeURIComponent(‘As efficient as cats may be at keeping away rats and mice, their presence in delis and bodegas in New York City can lead to legal trouble.’); } function getShareKeywords() { return encodeURIComponent(‘Rats,Food,Cats,Pesticides,New York City,Convenience Stores,Health and Mental Hygiene Department’); } function getShareSection() { return encodeURIComponent(‘nyregion’); } function getShareSectionDisplay() { return encodeURIComponent(‘New York Region’); } function getShareSubSection() { return encodeURIComponent(”); } function getShareByline() { return encodeURIComponent(‘By KATE HAMMER’); } function getSharePubdate() { return encodeURIComponent(‘December 21, 2007’); }

Published: December 21, 2007
Across the city, delis and bodegas are a familiar and vital part of the streetscape, modest places where customers can pick up necessities, a container of milk, a can of soup, a loaf of bread.

Skip to next paragraph

Richard Perry/The New York Times

Oreo roams at a deli in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Amid the goods found in the stores, there is one thing that many owners and employees say they cannot do without: their cats. And it goes beyond cuddly companionship. These cats are workers, tireless and enthusiastic hunters of unwanted vermin, and they typically do a far better job than exterminators and poisons.

When a bodega cat is on the prowl, workers say, rats and mice vanish.

That is the case at a narrow corner store in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where a gray long-haired tabby named Halloween goes on regular patrols when she is not lounging on a plaid bed tucked behind dusty rows of Schweppes ginger ale and empty cardboard boxes.

“In the morning she is lazy, it is her nap time,” said Urszula Jawor, 49, the deli’s manager, a Polish immigrant who smiled with motherly pride at Halloween, adding that the cat was named for the day she wandered in off the street and claimed the Bedford Avenue store as her home.

“But in the afternoon she is busy,” Ms. Jawor said. “She spends hours stalking the mice and the rats.”

To store owners, the services of cats are indispensable in a city where the rodent problem is serious enough to be documented in a still popular two-minute video clip on YouTube from late February (youtube.com/watch?v=su0U37w2tws) of rats running amok in a KFC/Taco Bell in Greenwich Village. Store-dwelling cats are so common that there is a Web site, workingclasscats.com, dedicated to telling their tales.

But as efficient as the cats may be, their presence in stores can lead to legal trouble. The city’s health code and state law forbid animals in places where food or beverages are sold for human consumption. Fines range from $300 for a first offense to $2,000 or higher for subsequent offenses.

“Any animal around food presents a food contamination threat,” said Robert M. Corrigan, a rodentologist and research scientist for the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. “And so that means anything from animal pieces and parts to hair and excrement could end up in food, and that alone, of course, is a violation of the health code.”

Mr. Corrigan did concede that some studies have shown that the smell of cats in an enclosed area will keep mice away. But he does not endorse cats as a form of pest control because, he explained, the bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and nematodes carried by rats may infect humans by secondary transfer through a cat.

Still, many store owners keep cats despite the law, mainly because other options have failed and the fine for rodent feces is also $300. “It’s hard for bodega owners because they’re not supposed to have a cat, but they’re also not supposed to have rats,” said José Fernández, the president of the Bodega Association of the United States.

Luis Martinez, 42, has managed his brother’s grocery in East New York, Brooklyn, for two years. At first, despite weekly visits from an exterminator, the store’s inventory was ravaged constantly by nibbling vermin.

“Every night I had to put the bread in the freezer,” he said, pointing at shelves filled with bread and hamburger buns. “I was losing too much inventory. The chips and the Lipton soups all had holes in them.”

Then, last winter, a friend brought Mr. Martinez a marmalade kitten in need of a home. Mr. Martinez, who was skeptical of how one slinky kitten could fend off an army of hungry rats, set up a litter box in the back of the store, put down an old fleece jacket and named the kitten Junior.

Within two weeks, Mr. Martinez said, “a miracle.”

“Before you’d see giant rats running in off the streets into the store, but since Junior, no more,” he said.

Junior sometimes brings Mr. Martinez mouse carcasses as gifts, which he said bothers him less than the smell that permeates his store when the exterminator’s victims die and rot under a freezer.

In October, a health inspector fined Mr. Martinez $300 and warned him that if Junior was still there by the time of the next inspection he would be fined $2,000.

“He wants me to get rid of the cat, but the rats will take over if I do,” Mr. Martinez said. “I need the cat, and the cat needs a home.”

Because stores do not get advance notification of an inspection, Mr. Martinez is trying to keep Junior in his office as much as possible. Many bodega owners reason that a cat is less of a health threat than an army of nibbling rats. “If cats live in homes and apartments where people have food, a cat shouldn’t be a threat in a store if it’s well maintained,” Mr. Fernández said.

Some animal rescue groups, like the Spay and Neuter Intervention Project, support the legalization and regulation of store cats so that owners would be required to provide basic veterinary care and to spay or neuter their animals.

At a corner store in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, Andre Duran, one of the owners, said he had kept a cat for six years and had never been fined.

“That’s Oreo,” he said, as he lifted a tiny black cat with white paws into his arms and carried her like a football. “No one’s ever complained about cat hair in their sandwiches, and if she weren’t here, you bet there’d be bigger problems than hair.”

As a line formed at Mr. Duran’s cash register and he excused himself to take orders, Oreo’s ears perked up and she slunk away toward the back of the store. She was, perhaps, in pursuit of something.

Well,  what would you do as a store owner?  Would you keep cats because they appear more affective than traditional pest control methods or would you follow the rules of the Board of Health? 

 If it is really true that cats keep mice and rats away…..it makes me wonder!  Can there be a method that could be developed that would maintain a pristine, clean environment in a store and yet keep the rat and mice population down?  Lets discusss it and maybe come up with a solution.

Till next animal interest blog—-RIVEROFLIFELISAJOY!

Charles Darwin Lives in Remote Places of the World—Green Jungles still Bring Forth New Animal Speices!!! Hip, Hip Hooray! There is hope for this World!

Sunflower.jpg I drew  this “Sunflower”  with colored pencils during the summer.  It was directly from a real photograph.  I could not resist the natural contours of the flower petals.  I hope I did it a tiny bit of justice.  I am not as talented as some people….but I truly love nature and all of its wonders!

Upon viewing the Black Voice Aol News blogs,  I found one of my favorite interests!  New Animal Species! —And Giant animals too! I love it!  Take a look!

  And I am so happy that there are still people who love being a scientist. 

 I do not always agree with the concepts and theories of all scientists…but I love it when they prove that certain animals will survive if untouched or bothered by the modern world. 

I hope this inspires you and big oil drilling,  gold seeking,  tree killing,  coal mining,  diamond,   and precious stone mining,  resource draining corporations of the fast paced global economy from ignoring the delicate balance of animal,  plant, tree, and human kind on this beautiful earth. 


 Look at the simple beauty of even an oversize rat…. or pig-my possum, or the neon colored black and violet frog.  How about the bird that looks like a beautiful suit form BARNEY’S THE MEN’S STORE, or Jones New-York. 

 I do n0t care what you say!!!!! God has had the best FASHION SENSE,  AND DESIGNER before man knew how to sew a piece of fur together to make a coat for the weather and build tee-pees! 

 Animals are engineered without our help. 

 Yes there are people doing bio-engineering….they are going to find out that their methods may do more harm then good in the long run. 

On that note…let me show you the beauties I found on that blog about the New Species! and Giant animals!  Charles Darwin!  Are you hearing this —where ever you are?


 I know some people would say my chubby little friend here is quite ugly….but really,  he has a face his mommy probably loved!

Pygmy possum Bruce M Beehler, CI

The group also found this pygmy possum, calling it one of the world’s smallest marsupials. The international team has made previous finds in the pristine area, which it calls “the lost world.”

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Photo Gallery: Recent Animal Discoveries

Golden Frog of Supata, Aug. 28, 2007 Conservation Leadership Programme / LiveScience.com

The “golden frog of Supata,” found in a remote region of Colombia, belongs to a group of poison dart frogs, which have toxins embedded in their skin. Scientist announced the discovery of the creature in August.

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 There are also huge animals that need our protection.  They are big but they do not carry harpons,  knives or any weapons but what comes natural to them. 

 It is up to us to maintain nature and the delicate balance between all creatures in the “circle of life”  Look at these animals and realize….no matter how scary they may appear….they have no power over us. 

It is we,  the humans that can control the life or death of these beautiful,  raw natural creatures. 

They cannot jump up out of their natural habitat and start taking pictures of us!  They can not research us and our existence. 

 They cannot place us in boxes and cages and steal us away from our natural environment only to sell us on the black market. 

It is us who must  take care of them.  Let them live un touched by human hands as much as possible and uninterfered with so that nature takes it’s natural course so that these great and majestic creatures can live and die and keep this big old globe alive!

Take alook:

Colossal Squid

Colossal Squid:In February, New Zealand fishermen grabbed this 990-pound monster in the Antarctic. It was 330 pounds heavier than the next biggest ever found.

Gallery: Huge Creatures

Echizen Jellyfish Yomiuri Shimbun, AFP / Getty Images

Echizen Jellyfish: In recent years, the giant beasts have disrupted fishing industry operations off Japan’s east coast.

Gallery: Huge Creatures

German Giants Patrick Pleul, EPA / Corbis

German Giants:Breeder Karl Szmolinsky, here in January, breeds rabbits like this one weighing more than 20 pounds at his farm in Eberswalde, Germany.

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Photo Gallery: Huge Creatures

Bubba the Lobster Keith Srakocic, AP

Bubba the Lobster: The 23-pound crustacean came from waters off Nantucket, Mass., in March 2005. The Pittsburgh Zoo planned to take him, but he died.

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The following is an excerpt from  the black voice Blog on Animals of the Lost world.

Photo Gallery: Recent Animal Discoveries

six-wired bird of paradise Bruce Beehler, Conservation International / AP

During that trip, scientists took the first known photographs of Berlepsch’s six-wired bird of paradise, which was described by hunters in New Guinea in the 19th century.

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More Coverage: Conservation International

More Coverage: Conservation International – Return to Foja


“Unearthing new species of mammals in the 21st century is considered very rare. The discoveries by a team of American and Indonesian scientists are being studied further to confirm their status.

The animals were found in the Foja mountains rainforest in eastern Papua province in a June expedition, said U.S.-based Conservation International, which organized the trip along with the Indonesian Institute of Science.

“The giant rat is about five times the size of a typical city rat,” said Kristofer Helgen, a scientist with the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. “With no fear of humans, it apparently came into the camp several times during the trip.”

The possum was described as “one of the worlds smallest marsupials.”

Please think of ways you can contribute to preserving the lives of these animals. 

 Staying informed is one of the best ways. 

 Or try telling people.

  I have no money to donate….but I can blog about it and post these pictures that were taken to get the word out. 

 All of this really involves mankind around the world….not just here in the United States. 

Photo Gallery: Recent Animal Discoveries

Atelopus frog, March 2006 Paul Ouboter, Conservation International / AP

In March 2006, the Atelopus frog was found in the Nassau Mountains in eastern Suriname. It was one of 24 new species of wildlife discovered by scientists in the remote plateaus north of Brazil.

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Photo Gallery: Recent Animal Discoveries

six-wired bird of paradise Bruce Beehler, Conservation International / AP

During that trip, scientists took the first known photographs of Berlepsch’s six-wired bird of paradise, which was described by hunters in New Guinea in the 19th century.

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More Coverage: Conservation International

Think forward,  “PAY IT FORWARD”,  and help keep this global community of humans and animals and fish moving forward toward life and the future, and not backward to extinction!


What would Charles Darwin SAY about Nature Fighting Back? ( ….. Polution, Ocean Dredging and destruction of the “Circle of Life” and the Lives of Sea Animals and Fish)

I receive bulletins from National Geographic Magazine!  You should too.  That is a back door to the world and its progress and digress depending on the articles that are written.  I have a deep love and concern for the ocean and the creatures that live there. 

 I truly believe that there is a connection between the global econonmy and the status of human population and quality of life for all creatures,  (including human beings.)  Children and animals are usually the first to suffer from the push of productivity in the economic drive to build and promote the future toward technology. 

 For example the oil spills only come from   oil tankers! A recent oil spill has caused problems for the ocean’s animal life…of course including the birds who live off the sea creatures too.   I have not read any recorded information that has blamed oil spills on “so called natural occurences in nature”—have you?  

 Animals like dolphins get caught in nets from fishing boats and die horrible deaths  when those nets are meant for tuna only. 

Consider the circle of life and the impact that it has on the natural order of things in the ocean.  It appears that the fishing industry is only concerned with “catching,  cleaning,  and shipping to the warehouse,   fish market,” or factories! 

Look,  I am guilty of eating as much tuna as the next person. 

But my concern here is to discuss and promote the welfare of the entire ocean(s). 

 Realize that we have never been down this road before.  Never in the history of the world have factories,and the drive for productivity had such adverse impact on nature itself.  Look at “global warming.”  The world we live in is driven by technology. 

Most technology from what I have read and come to understand causes polution. Did you know what I learned about DELL COMPUTERS and (probably other computer companies are guilty of this too) –Dell Computer ships all of is RECYCLED COMPUTERS to China!  Are you surprised that the issues of lead in toys, and food, or whatever is coming from China is tainted?  I am not!  I was a student at Nyack College two years ago, and my major was and is  Organizational Management.  We had to do a group project on Dell Computers…Marketing Plan.  My job was to research Dell and its reaction to Enviornment!  I was disgusted when I saw that they sent all of the collected  recylced computers to China and put them in a dump. Look it up yourself.  Look up Dell, and then you will see the Green Peace conflict with Dell.   Elderly people in China were scavening through these dumped computers, and sometimes using the old parts that are filled with toxic chemicals to cook with!  UGH!!!–

   I remember when I was a kid and I heard how dirty the East River in New York City was back then.  Now they have cleaned it up.  How did they do it?  They eliminated most of the factory industry from New York City. 

 There are still factories but  not such a vast amount as in the beginning of the industrical age of this country. The recent blurb I read in the Waldbaums Supermarket regarding  the decline and the interruption of the use of plastic bags for shoppping bags instead said that a well known  magazine on business stated that last year the United States used a billion plastic bags.  Some of these bags end up in the ocean, and rivers. 

 The fish,  or mammals of the ocean swallow these bags and die horrible deaths!   What  is happening now is a push to change that from plastic to a heavy gauge shopping bag with materal  canvas like handles to eliminate the use of plastic bags!  That is great.  But now there is a another new problem.  It is about what a National Geographic Email/Newsletter I recieved called,

Sea Lions Photo Gallery: A West Coast Eco-War
A fleet of doe-eyed whip smart sea lions is laying siege to the Pacific Northwest, wreaking havoc on surf breaks, fishing lines, and endangering salmon runs. Photograph by Ami Vitale

http://newsletters.nationalgeographic.com/WBRH016AA685A3F7C21E9379733C00 A fleet of doe-eyed whip smart sea lions is laying siege to the Pacific Northwest, wreaking havoc on surf breaks, fishing lines, and endangering salmon runs. More >>

 This article that can be  found in the National Geographic November issue,  explains that there are sea lions that are attacking another species of weaker, or less in number sea lion. 


 Also the article states that these sea lions are also attacking the nets or salmon fishing boats….thereby affecting the fishing industry!

  Hey,  look.  These animals are not doing anything wrong…based on the fact that they are animals!  They are not breaking any laws.  They are the victim here.  Obviously they  cannot find enough to eat in their natural habitat. 

This is a hazzardous condition…not just for them….but possibly for the rest of the world.  What do you think?  Are there any scientists reading this blog?  If so please reply and I want your opinion too,  if you are a GREEN and SAVE THE WORLD  FROM GLOBAL WARMING type of scientist. 

Please give an educated insite to my little blog.   I do not believe that animals ever do anything wrong.  We have to share the world with animals.  They have natural instinct and cannot do anything but what comes natural to them. 

So how can you call an animal a “killer?”  Even Darwin (who I do not completely agree with in regards to “Natural Selection,”  and all that)  did have theories on life and death and the destruction or the elimination of a specific spesices based on genetic predispostion. 

 But what would Darwin say now in 2007/2008?  How would Darwin explain the polution and economic drive that is possibly destroying our health,  the enviornment, and the ocean?  I truly wonder what would Charles Darwin say? 

Because he had written a bit of his own theory and some people took that theory and used it to promote slave ownership….the ownership of one human over another.  Strange isn’t it…..Have you ever seen a lion in the wild make a slave out of another lion?  Or how about “cross species dominating another species “like a monkey dominating and enslaving  wildebeast for example?  Yet somehow people used Darwin’s theory of evolution to promote slavery.  —Sorry  I digress. 

Let us return to the original topic.  Is nature fighting back?  What will happen to nature and human beings?   How much damage will be done in the next five years if the polution, over fishing,are not addressed.  Is it the sea lions that are the “real killers”  here….or is it something else that we are not monitoring  or caring about. 

 I feel very worried about the future of the health of our planet over all.  I am very concerned about the well being of my son’s future.  Please respond maybe we cannot not solve all of the problems,  but atleast  dialogue  can ease some of  concerns of our fellow bloggers.


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Photo Gallery: Pacific Northwest Sea Lions

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Sea Lions Photo Gallery: A West Coast Eco-War
A fleet of doe-eyed whip smart sea lions is laying siege to the Pacific Northwest, wreaking havoc on surf breaks, fishing lines, and endangering salmon runs. Photograph by Ami Vitale

Sea lion in a box

<<  Photo 8 of 16  >>

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and Army Corp of
Engineers capture and mark sea lions in the Bonneville Dam area and relocate them to Astoria, Oregon, to monitor their abundance and movements in the lower Columbia River and its tributaries.  
These efforts are part of a study to examine sea lion foraging activities in the inland waters and to evaluate any impact they might have on salmonids in the Columbia River Basin. The sea lions were branded and equipped with a combination of flipper tags, numbered visual patches, VHF radio tags, and satellite-linked transmitters.
Photographer Ami Vitale
Adventure magazine
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