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Archive for American Gangster played by Densel Washington

American Gangster…. Wow! Movie Review!

All I can say is WOW!  I had written a post about my concept of an American Gangster some months ago and I was shocked to see it was very close in comparison to  the true story I had related in an earlier blog.  But anyway the movie was very unsettling.

  I could not relate to the logic that possessed Frank Lucas–played by Densel Washington.  The character of Frank Lucas was the most clear minded, scary character in a crime based movie I have ever seen. 

 He was cool,  calm, and collected….but also he was smart and determined.  From the movie bonus feature it was stated that Frank Lucas became  a millionaire a day drug dealer back in the seventies. 

He had no conscious about it either. Amazing and scary.  He killed people by his own hand, and he made money from selling herion that killed people too. 

 But he was given a second chance and an opportunity to tell about corruption in the law enforcement personnel.

  Very Scary, and very disturbing.  The movie was well acted by Densel Washington.  I was surprised to see Ruby Dee!  Very well acted.  Densel is always a Class Act—all by himself.

Check out this flict….again brutally disturbing and cold hearted at times.  But informative about the 70’s.  I was in junior highschool when this happened.

Just be prepared for the blatant murder and physical beatdowns that Densel does!  If you did not go to the movie theatre like I did not…rent it or buy it.  A must see thriller!
