Riveroflifelisajoy’s Weblog

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Where Have I been?

Journey Behind the Falls at Niagara ...


I have been on a journey…

My friend

I have not been lost


but a journey of length

and depth  has

challenged my

very heart and soul

I have gathered need

and gathered sorrow

My journey leads me

down dark alleys

bright rooms,

painful thoughts

and haunting fears

Tears are worthless

here on my journey

But the tears still come

and roll down my cheeks

like snowballs gathering

size and speed

My nose and face feel clogged

from the emotions spent

on this journey

Come free me my friend

from this torment

But I do not cry for myself

I cry for another

My son, my dear son

What will be?

Sickness again claimed

him on June 24 after

his American History

Regents exam…of which he

did receive an 88!

The victory of his passing

is overshadowed by the

illness that gripped him in

its stealy hands

I wish for him joy,

health, and happines…

I pray for him health, health, and more health

So that has been my journey my friend

Seeking health and strength for

the child of my womb

The child I had prayed for 15 years ago

is in a battle for his life….

So my journey is not a lonely one

but a hard. brittle, prickly one

Where have I been?  Right here,

at home, at work, but journey is a battle of

the mind and strength of the


JOurney is to walk a walk of faith,

and endurance…

So I have not called you,  written you,

but I know you are still there.

I will not go,

while I continue this journey,  whose

destination I yet do not know.



credit of waterfalls image…from aol journey images

Schnieder Children Hospital Neurology Center @ LongIsland Jewish Hospital—They Touched My Heart, and My child! Thank You Schneiders What a Blessing you Have Been~~~Reflections on a recent 5 day stay by riveroflifelisajoy

I must tell you the truth…it hurts to admit that my child really has a seizure disorder.  But Schneider Children’s Hospital Neurology has been very, very,  very, compassionate to my son and myself. 

I was scared and distrustful.   I was worried what they would do to my”baby”.  My fifteen year old baby.   However,  after he was admitted, we were shocked by the gentle compassion with which we were met.

I had to stop writing just now…because I am crying…just thinking of how intimate, and gentle the staff was with my son. 

 He is a teenager and he was upset to have to be placed in the hospital for 3 days for a non-invasive VIDEO EEG.

The process was as  follows,  I took my son to admitting, a small room and a nice lady who talked kindly and gently to me and my son.

  I had trouble parking and I was given assistance by the security at the front desk. They were very, very compassionate. 

 They treated me with understanding and kept referring to me as “How can we help you Mother, or Mom?” 

My son had to have electrodes placed on his scalp…26 (twentyfour) in total.  Then  the technian continuously talked with me about life in general. 

 My son was so comfortable that he fell asleep.

  After a head bandage was placed on his head with the electrodes coming out of the top, my son and little girl with the same odd looking electrode contraption were taken up the back elevator (as per the request of both the youngsters) to the 3rd. floor in Schnieders Children Hospital.

  Once on the floor the little girl was escorted with her father to her room on the opposite wing of the hospital and my son was taken over to the children’s other wing of the hospital. 

 Once my son was settled in his room we had an unexpected visit that set the tone of our entire stay at Schnieders Children Hospital. 

I will digress for a moment.  As I had stated earlier…I had trouble parking so I parked in the special parking area in front of  the hospital. 

 I had left my car out front and had to run back out to the car while my son was being admitted to the hospital to check the car.

  I saw a woman park her car in the front and then enter the hospital with the most beautiful blond large dog. 

 I laughed to myself wondering why on earth was she taking a dog into the hospital to visit!

Well, I was shocked and suprised to find that the lady and the dog came to visit my son in his room! 

 That dog was a very, very, very special dog indeed.  The dog was a therapy dog. 

 My son was nervous about his hospital stay…he did not want to be there and he was upset about even being considered as having a seizure disorder at all.  He did not tell any of his friends either. 

That beautiful retriever dog—I think her name was Sandy  was gentle and went right to my son and put her head on his leg and did not even look up at him.    It was if the  dog Sandy could feel his fear and anxiety.  The woman was so gentle and talked to my son and I .

  I did not really speak to her.  I could not.  I was suddenly thrust into a myriad of emotions.  I was overwhelmed with emotion. 

 YOu see,  we moved over a year ago.  We had a dog that looked just like Sandy the therapy dog.  We had to give up the dog to the ASPCA and it has been difficult to forgive myself, and the circumstances of the move that forced my hand into giving up my son’s dog. 

 So when I saw Sandy the therapy dog,  I think my son felt the same way I did.  That dog was like the spirit of our dog Angel telling my son not to worry and that eveything would be alright. 

 So now you know why I sit here crying as I write this blog. 

 My son has suffered so much loss in his young life ( the loss of his father to a castrophic disease), ….but I believe that there is a God who has heard even the tiniest prayer.

  A prayer for my son to understand his health condition and understand loss too. 

So that day in Schnieders I was touched by a simple act of a woman and her dog visiting sick children in the hospital. 

You know….I have to stop writing for a while.  I will come back and finish.  I promise.

Just know this much:

  My son stayed for 5 days at Schneiders Children’s Hospital,  Longlsland Jewish.  But that introduction to the hospital by the beautiful dog and the owner helped my son and I to cope. 

 My son is coping with his condition and managing it with the help of the compassionate staff at Schnieders Children’s Hospital. 

I highly recommend Schneiders Children’s Hospital. 

Till next blog….hope I have inspired you ~~~
