Riveroflifelisajoy’s Weblog

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Controversy of the New Governor Paterson: I Need Parental Guidance for the Latest News Stories! Wow! Threesomes….I never thought such Words would be connected to Elected Officials!

   Jay Jewels Cry FOR HUMANITY(Jay Jewels “Cry for Humanity”)

I just can not take it anymore!  I had heard alot of negative things about Spitzer  before this  big mess came to the front.  All I want to know is this.  When he was having these activities where were his security team? 

Look,  I really do not want to discuss Spitzer.  I just want to know why the news papers have to keep making each head line full of words that you do not want to discuss in front of your kids….even your older kids for that matter.

  I am very open  in discussion with my family on many topics.       But the McGreevy issue was so way over the top of my level of existence I was embarressed.  I felt like I had a furtive glance over at the dirty magazine section in the subway newsstand!  I do not know what the future holds! 

What was worse is  that today I saw our new Governor’s wife’s foot bottom with her big toe sticking way out from underneath her leg in a yoga pose on the front of the Daily News!  Is that really neccesary?  Is it required to show every aspect of our elected officials private selves?

  I will not have the bottoms of my feet and big toe photographed just to get a private sector or public service job!  I just do not get it!  Did the legally blind new Governor Paterson cheat on his wife for three years or less? 

 Why did I have to know about it?   I do not believe any one has not cheated …even if it has been emotional cheating.  You know what I mean.  The type of cheating that involves the phone calls to a good “friend” from work. 

 You eat lunch with this person and laugh about job issues, get frustrated together,  complain about the same stuff and cry on each other’s shoulder when the other does not get that much wanted  promotion.  YOu know what I mean!  That job friend that is of the opposite  sex! 

 Emotional committment….days that person is absent from work…are empty days.  Sometimes you might even tell your spouse that you work friend was sick and work slowed up in his or her absence!  You just could not hide your emotions about the empty feeling you had all day.  So now you mope!

Any way,  I digress!  The problem I find in all of this open discussion is that after a while everyone will be found guilty!  Even today in the AOL Black Voices blog….the mayor of Detroit, who is black  is now being told to step down for not telling the truth about his affair! 

 This had nothing to do with his actual job.  But if you have cheated on your spouse, or had an affair you must come clean about it!  Or you face being let go under big,  big,  shame!  “THE SCARLET LETTER HAS RETURNED!”  —for those of you who are literature buffs! 

 Do we have to now tell of the crushes we had as little kids, tweens, teenagers,  then pets we owned,  aunts, uncles, we liked  or did not like?

  Do we have to tell of the time we accepted a gift and then turned around and regifted it because we lied about how much we liked something and really didn’t?  Are there going to be lie detector tests that will analize whether we tell somebody that the dress they brought looks good on them or not and whether we mean it? 

Do you have to now double check yourself and your personal relationships before you apply for a job?  Where will this end?  Public service is truly public isn’t it?  I just can’t take it any more. 

 I do not  want to know so much personal information.  I want to just know that I can get my taxes lowered,  get an increase in my annual pay,  go to college cheaper,  pay for my dental work cheaper….lose weight safely and go on trips in our free country!  Prosititution is not acceptable….definitely not! 

But do I have to see Governor Paterson’s wife’s FEET on page #2 of the Daily News?  Can we leave nothing private?  I never saw Nancy Reagan’s feet,  I never saw Hillary Clinton’s feet,  I never saw Jimmy Carter’s (President Carter’s) wife’s feet! 

 So why is Mrs. Paterson’s life so exposed?  JUST TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!!!!  JUST LOWER THE RATES OF CAR INSURANCE!


Can we get back to business please and save the planet and mankind please!  The only bare foot I want to see is that of a homeless person getting shoes and socks put on it! 


Thank you.



big-summer-sky-at-dusk.jpgLook,  I am not a politics buff….but one thing I do know…..I heard 1010Wins  RADIO ROAD TO THE WHITE HOUSE,  state  that Hillary  Clinton is considering conceding defeat?!!!!


 Whaaaaaattt?????!!!!  Impossible says I!  NOt to be believed says I!  Hillary Clinton could not possibly give in so easily? 


 I was at a job related function yesterday and I heard  a several teachers, and a principal of a school discussing the issue.


  Some were thinking over the experience issues between Hillary and Obama.  It was interesting to hear.  One person who was black did not seem so impressed with Obama’s experience. 


 While another person who was also black,  was apparently happy about Obama’s  too close to the White House success in the primaries nationally! 


 They then compared how Jessie Jackson had made a bid for the White House.  However, they then  considered that Jessie Jackson did not appeal to middle America in his stance on issues or his way of speech or both. 


 They thought about it and bantered the topic,  but is was obvious who had Obama political fever and who did not. 


 I sat there for a minute, since I was not directly in the conversation, and I did start to get a little bit in awe of the history taking place before our eyes, and ears! 


My father was a World War II Veteran….my father cared for his wife and children.  My father brought a house in SpringfieldGardens that had a acre lot and a large bongalo house. 


My dreams have been realized through the fact that my father dared to dream and dared to step out from his comfort zone!  So  dreamers can be success stories!  Ya know?


 Mr. Obama,  I will definitely keep you, and Hillary Clinton in my prayers.  This is a momentous moment in time….savor it,  inhale it,  taste it! 


 It tastes like a green meadow at sunrise, wet with the dew of promise after a  midnight of malstrom storms and thunderous clamor. 


 Let that clamor and noise be the change of the century!


  Let Obama and Hillary bring fourth a New Begining for the future of mankind and the world!


Till next Hillary and Obama blog—



Barak Obama —I’ll have Mine Well Done Thankyou! With the Democratic Push for President growing more intense, backing for Barak OBama from the Kennedy Camp! Wow! That truly IS newsworthy!


The last time I wrote about Barak Obama I told you that I do not know enough about him to really make a good clean decision on him.  But I am in shock right now.

 The Kennedy Family is standing behind him!???!?!  Wow!  That is admirable….but it also scares me a little! 

 Why?  I am not completely sure as to why the political backing of the Eternal Flame at Arlington that flickers over the grave of one of the Kennedy Presidents,  and the family that has reigned over politics in this country since I was born in 1961– kind of unnerves me but it does. 

 It is not a bad thing,  it is an awe inspiring thing. 

I feel a bit shakey inside when I think of the Kennedy’s placing their political UMP! behind Obama.  They usually do not speak out too much….but when they do…it is powerful, and needs to be considered on all fronts. 

 Also, until this political twist I was unaware that my favorite action flick star, turned governor of California Arnold Swartzenegger (sorry about the spelling)  was a republican, while his Kennedy ancestry wife Maria Shriver was still a staunch democrat.  What must be the conversation over dinner be like?

  Maria Shriver was also present at the backing and speech making campaign for Barak Obama.  The Kennedy Mantel has even been placed on Obama’s Shoulders.   They stated that he is like a Kennedy in his attitude and stance in politics.  

They like him and are standing behind to give him the political push.  If I was undecided before,  now I really do not know how to vote.

  Previously,  I had stated that I knew more about Hillary Clinton than I knew about Barak Obama….whether he is “BLACK OF SKIN” like me or not. 

I have been in my job for about 20 years,  I have not had people who were of my race like me, just because I am the same race as them!  Most people do not like me because of the role I maintain on my job.  So,  race has nothing to do with it for me. 

Politics aside,  Obama was a family background that is not anything like mine.  His father was a native of Africa, and his mother was European…My grandparents and their grandparents were slaves!

  So what am I to tell you are that I have in common in  ancestry with Obama?  Nothing…absolutely nothing. 

But when it comes to politics,  I want to know how he will change my child’s future for the better!  How will my health care improve?

  How will my single parent status improve. 

 How will being a care giver to my mother improve? 

 How about the high price of rent/ mortgage improve?  

 How can attending college become more affordable for myself and my child? 

When will my job receive the much needed economic raises needed to help meet the food bill,  electric bills, gas bills, health care, car insurances,  medication and perscription prices? 

  I heard on 1010 wins “ROAD TO THE WHITE HOUSE UPDATE”  that Obama made a speech in which he promised to” increase minimum wage not once every ten years, but EVERY YEAR!  

Obama even stated that if  “You work in this country you should not be poor!”

  That statement was very powerful, but also frightening! 

 How would increaseing minimum wage yearly affect cost of food in the fast food industry which barely pays its’ workers minimum wage earnings? 

How would rasing the  minimum wage yearly affect home attendant prices for those who need the home attendant? 

 How would raising minimum wage affect the industries that make their living from  the backs of LOW WAGE EARNERS WHO CANNOT AFFORD A DENTAL PLAN/MEDICAL PLAN with the low wages that they earn in MCDonalds,  Wendys,or  BurgerKing?

  What about the dry  cleaning industry? 

 What about the malls, and stores like Macys? 

 How will constantly increasing the minimum wage impact on such industries

 Will clothes, shoes,  and the basic neccesities begin to raise beyond normal levels, in order to accomplish the “everyone one starting off at the same fair rate?” 

 Is it possible that what ever  the wage increase is….the economy will have to make adjustments in order to find the money to PAY THE WAGE INCREASES TO THE WORKERS!  

 Look,  I want atleast a an unrealistic raise of atleast $30, 000.00 per year.  Will I get it?  Of course not.  But if you give me at least a 30% increase in raise I would see a difference in my  paycheck,  more than that small 3% raise I keep getting every two or three years. 

 That three percent raise adds up to about $5.00 more per year.  That gets eaten up by all the life insurance policies, and taxes I pay direct before I even receive my paycheck net. 

 So if Mr. Obama can raise the rate of income for all American’s  who will ultimately pay the cost and price of this increase? 

Do you think the price will cover it?  I highly doubt it.  The rich are the ones paying us poor folk these small wages for fast food, high paced jobs, and they want a surplus….they do not just want to make a small profit either. 

Who would buy a McDonalds’s regular cheese burger for let’s say $3.00 in order to assist in rasing the rate of the minimum wage for the McDonald’s employee behind the cash register? 

I wonder

 What do you think? All I know is that –that hamburger better be good……I LIKE MINE WELL DONE THANKYOU!

***Reflections on the Hot Race for President in the Democratic Party  by


We are Cold and We are Hungry!!!

HUNGER AND DOUBT.jpgI am Cold and I am Hungry!!!!  I can’t take it any more!!!  Last week after I paid my rent of $1600.00 my child said what are we going to eat?  

 I looked around the house and he did too….Ole  Mama in da Hood’s Cupboard was bare chile!!!  What to do?  What to do?  —Suddenly it hit me. 

 The “free food” places my mother used to frequent before she had her stroke.  I used to get angry at her for getting the canned food,  and bags of rice, and spagetti (uncooked) and also bags of dry beans.  I thought and even told her—You do not need that stuff —you have a good job at the Post Office.  

 I am not the best cook so I had No idea of what to do with a bag of dried beans.  You see, my husband  had been a Corrections Officer before his castastrophic illness that took him away from my son and I.  So when my husband had been with us,  we would shop for food and spend atleast $300.00 per food shopping session. 

 But now—for nine years…it is catch as catch can—Meaning do the best you can, pray for the Lord to increase a $50.00 food purchase to equal a $300.00 and stretch it as far as two weeks or more!   As my earlier blog on hunger discussed…”I am not eligible because the Welfare deparment only helps people who have more than one child and make less than $38,00.00 per year.  They do not care about your debt to income ratio. 

 They do not care about your net income—they do not care that you pay $1600.00 per month for a three bedroom for your mother, yourself, and your child.  They do not care about the life insurance policy that you have to maintain since your husband has left nothin for his son, and there is no child suuport.  —So what do you do when you have barely any heat in the house becuase you cannot afford to pay the heating bill and cannot afford to pay the food bill after it is all said and done?!

Mother’s are always right!!!  Get to the Free Food places—it is in your community—ask around at the churches….Don’t despair—I just had forgotten during the summer so we really suffered until a loan from my nearly empty pension  came in.  We did not got to any amusement parks, or any type of recreation.  All I did was create paintings to keep myself positive. 

 I would tell my son” Ca mon’ John lets do some art work!!!  Maybe it will make us rich one day!!!  My son is 14 and does not believe in Santa Claus any more—so he just patted me on my head and said yes Mommy,  I love you—I will just draw one picture—but I do not like to paint!   My mother said,  I don’t want to paint I don’t feel like doing that, if you do not mind. ”

I love my family—they have suffered and cried with me for the loss of my husband and  suffered with each other when we take ill,  and during the summer during my vacation we suffered together without food—until it hit me that I could go back to the free food places—no matter how humiliating it can  be. 

 But guess what—-when you have food like the beans I have come to learn how to cook…on the table with some white rice—IT IS BETTER THAN NOTHING ON THE STOVE OR PLATE AT ALL!!!  —So get up off of that computer and check your local churches for the Food Pantry—those who are hungry—God Bless and let me know if you get good results!—Meanwhile we still need an answer about the heat crisis in America!!! 

I think we should all blog, or write or call our local and Washington elected officals about the Oil and Gas Heat crisis!   What type of Christmas and Chanuka is this for our kids?  Hunger and Cold?  The rules of Heap are too strick,  and the prices are too high.  How do you expect me to even afford to purchas holiday gifts from the retailers—-I AM GOING BACK TO THE FLEA MARKET—GOOD BYE MARSHALLS,  GOOD BYE MACY’S,  GOOD BYE WALMART,  AND GOOD BYE COSTCOS!!!  How can I buy jewelry,  coats,  jackets,  shoes,  boots,  cameras,  etc., etc., when I cannot even put food on the table. 

If something is not done not there will empty stores and empty stores means the down fall of the Gross National Product and the loss of business as we know it in America.  I AM MS.  JOHN Q PUBLIC—-I CAN NOT SHOP RETAIL ANY MORE—I DO NOT OWN A CREDIT CARD EITHER—-

Give me some ideas on how to save our economy please—or better yet how to feed,  clothe and put heat on in my abode for my family.

Thanks!  riveroflifelisajoy