Riveroflifelisajoy’s Weblog

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Charles Darwin Theories..UPDATE FOR MAY 15, 2008—POLAR BEAR HAS BEEN ADDED TO ENDANGERED SPECIES LIST…BREAKING NEWS FROM 1010 WINS ON 5/14/08!!!!..extinct animals return to grace us with their beauty! Now lets start working on saving our world for them and our children’s children!

 I am writing this as an update to this article.  My  heart is hurting for the POLAR BEAR!  It is a beautiful animal.  But its natural habit is being destroyed by GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!  1010 WINS radio stated it today.  That our nation… added it.  I feel dismay and fear for our world and its future.  AS I WATCHED MY NEW FAVORITE MOVIE….EVAN ALMIGHTY…..I WONDERED…..WHO WILL BUILD THE ARK FOR OUR ENDANGERED SPECIES??????  WHO WILL SAVE THE POLAR BEAR???? WHEN THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF THE WORLD BECOME TOO WARM AND THERE ARE NO MORE ICECAPS….WHO WILL SAVE US?????   Think about it and start talking and start writing to your congressman…..PLEASE!  OUr world depends on it….your future, and my future, and the CIRCLE OF LIFE depends on it!!!!

I love to blog about our natural resources and our animals that are part of our existence.  Even if you live in a high rise apartment building do you realize that our planet is governed by certain scientific rules that keep our living enviornment a living enviornment? 
We need the rain forests, and regular forests to get rid of carbon.  The less trees, and vegetation the less oxygen for us all.  Green cars,  hybrids are part of the solution. 
HOwever, the constant dregding of the ocean floor and the constant oil spills in the ocean from the barges that carry the exumed oil are killing the ocean animals and birds. 
 Look at these great pictures taken from Black Voices AOL  TITLED RARE ANIMAL SIGHTINGS….and think of what you can do. 
Even if you live in a concrete jungle….think what role you can play to save the green tree jungle for  future generations of animals and humanbeings.

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cloud rat 

This cloud rat, found in a mossy forest about 7,700 feet above sea level in Mt. Pulag National Park in the Philippines, was the first of its species to be seen in 112 years. Click through the photos to see sightings of other rare creatures.


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Rare Vietnamese turtle
Rare Vietnamese turtle

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo / AP

Rare Sightings

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Researchers from the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo said April 16 they have discovered a rare giant turtle in northern Vietnam. Swinhoe’s soft-shell turtle was previously thought to be extinct in the wild. Three other turtles of the species are in captivity, including this one.

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Lungless Frog; reported April 9


A peculiar breed of frog discovered on the island of Borneo seems to have evolved in reverse, scientists reported April 9. Unlike most creatures that developed lungs as they crawled out of the ocean, the lungless Barbourula kalimantanensis breathes through its skin.

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Guess what?  there is such a thing as a wolverine!  What can we do to perserve our forests….use less paper?  Replant trees…Keeping it green for such animals.

Until this picture of a wolverine was taken on Feb. 28 by a motion-and-heat-detecting digital camera in the northern part of the Sierra Nevada range in California, scientists didn’t believe wolverines still existed there.

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White killer whale

This is a albino killer whale.  The ocean dredging is killing our oceans and the animals that are within.  The constant over fishing is causing the sea animals to loose their food source. 

Researchers working near Alaska’s Aleutian Islands on Feb. 23 spotted a white killer whale, which they estimate was 25 to 30 feet long and weighed more than 10,000 pounds. This is only the third time in the past 15 years that such a whale has been seen in the area.

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Maud Island frog

Kerri Lukis, Karori Wildlife Sanctuary / AP

This Maud Island frog lives at the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary in New Zealand. The rare breed, which has changed little over the past 70 million years, is thriving in the predator-free environment. Unlike other frogs, they hatch fully formed, skipping the tadpole stage. They also do not croak, live in water or have webbed feet.

Rare Sightings

Amur leopard

This is another  animal….so rare that there are only thirty n the world.  Our extistence is dependant on the extistence of our animals. 

In October, wildlife officials caught and examined a critically endangered Amur leopard in order to possibly find out how inbreeding undermines its tiny population in eastern Europe. There are only about 30 such animals left in the wild.

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Telea hairstreak butterfly

This beautiful butterfly so delicate….What can we do to continue to see these rare animals/insects?

Visitors flocked to Falcon State Park in Texas after this rare telea hairstreak butterfly was captured on film by Berry Nall in October. The butterfly hadn’t been seen in the U.S. for more than 70 years.

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Soft-shell turtles

Conservation International / AP

Rare Sightings

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In May, scientists discovered these rare soft-shell turtles, once thought to be on the brink of extinction, in a once-restricted part of Cambodia.

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The long-whiskered owlet

These animals can live without our basic assistance.  All they need from us for us humanbeings  to clean up factory emissions,   carbon emissions and chemicals that are leaking into the water and ground and stop cutting down the forests.  What can we do to save this planet for ourselves and our fellow inhabitants like this owl called…..

The long-whiskered owlet, one of the world’s smallest owls, was spotted in the wild for the first time in February 2006. It was seen in a private reserve in Peru.

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Giant squid

National Science Museum of Japan / AP

Rare Sightings

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A beautiful large eye looks out from a unique  organism.  Living unususal and should have the right to live its life.  If we empty the ocean…what will happen to the earth?  Should we dredge for oil and over fish?
In December 2006, scientists released footage of a giant squid — here attacking a bait squid — that may be the first images of a live giant squid at the water’s surface. Sources: AP, livescience.com
Please help keep the earth green for the vegetations and blue for  ocean animals and for ourselves.  Read,  write letters, get involved.  Global Warming?  Who knows?  But cabon emissions, polution are all quite real.  So lets. come together  as the human race.  Does it matter that my skin is brown, yours is white, his/her skin is yellow?  Each living thing is beautiful and has the responsibility and right to exist.  Look at the Squid above….it is strange, but beautiful.  Lets help it to survive….our survival depends on it.
——Survival of the fitest means that the higher the speicies…the more responsible that we have to be to ensure the survival of ALL SPECIES….NOT JUST THE FITEST OR THE STRONGEST….REMEMBER THE CORNY MOVIE….LION KING?   CIRCLE OF LIFE….LETS STAY LINKED AND SURVIVE!