Riveroflifelisajoy’s Weblog

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Archive for Passing Away

Going Home… Mama Hazel


The music industry should be used to help people to express themselves.  Why listen  to music that draws no emotion?  If you are getting married then you should have  “getting married  music and songs.  If your best friend got a new job then you should have a great song  for that.

Get the feeling and  be able to cry to your favorite song and vent your emotions to the situation by music.  You will have a healthier life.  Sometimes we hold in our  feelings.  Holding in gas is not  healthy, and  so it is the same  and it  is important  for  people  to release  emotions that  cannot  otherwise be expressed by  words.

It has  always helped me,  although  somewhat painful to express my feelings. But when I hear a song  that  speaks to my  heart  I feel “free”.  So here is a song that I wrote  in honor of  Mother Hazel.  She  passed on Sunday at 2:00 am.  I feel so sad,  but I also feel touched by the memory of her life.

I thank G-d that I had  the opportunity to meet her and  then go to her  house.  Her daughter said,  “I still feel her presence”.  I feel so empty to put how I feel into words.  So  I actually felt more empowered by  being able to  put my feelings into music. I used  LOOPS from  the MAC program in the computer.

So please listen to this  and listen to the story as the song speaks to you.  Mama Hazel was very loved, respected and was a woman of  powerful prayer.  She and her  family helped many people.

They helped the lost,  the down trodden and now  she is  gone but her legacy will live in.  So please think of someone  special in your life and you might miss after they have reached that break in the path that we all must  take one day.

Have a blessed night, and  blessed day.

Mama Hazel you will be missed, but your love and caring  still are felt in the air and anywhere there is a person in need.  I hope that anyone listening  is touched and inspired by this  little song.  Listen closely and you will hear my heart and feelings in this song.

Till next blog…river of life lisajoy.