Riveroflifelisajoy’s Weblog

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Archive for Queens College Student Run NewsPaper

Another Reflection on how J. Michael Bloom Touched my Life.

 Chinese Ink through time by Riveroflifelisajoy        I  wanted to reflect with you one more time about the impact that  J. Michael Bloom, of the J. Michael Bloom and Associates Talent Agency,  the businessman and Leader had on me as a young 20 year old woman.  I worked for J. Michael in the mid eighties.  While I was attending Queens College, one of my professors said that I had a talent for writing. 

 I  enrolled in journalism courses.  I also joined the Queens College NewsPaper.  I chose to do theatre reviews.  What a perfect time to start writing. 

My assignments were to interview various people.  Well, as you might have already guessed I asked J. Michael Bloom if I could interview him for my Queens College paper. 

 Yes, he allowed me to interview him.  I interviewed him about actors, and acting, and being a talent agent.  I wish I had the article. It was so many years ago.   From that point on I began to write with more confidence. 

I was writing short stories, prose, poetry etc.  I had about twenty diaries that I filled.  I would type up my writing late at night.  I would then submit them for publishing at the college paper.  I even had enough belief in myself that I  went out to short story writing classes, and other literary events!

 I had met a man  named Thomas Crater one day after that first interview with J.Michael Bloom. 

 I joined his private owned community paper called the New York Page.  The  funny thing was….Cheryl,  of J. Michael Bloom, one of the payroll accountants that I worked with happened to know Thomas Crater through his wife. 

 Thomas Crater was a man with vision when I met him! Mr. Crater had been peddaling his newspaper on the corner of Parsons Blvd.  at the subway stop in Queens.  He had worked in an advertising agency that was associated with paying some of the Bloom clients for various commercials etc.

  However,  he was tired of the advertising business so instead he  decided to sell ads for his own newspaper.  Thus after I was writing for the college newspaper, and as well as taking the journalism packet of courses at Queens College…..I then happened to meet Thomas Crater!

  I became an Assistant Editor of the New York Page!  It was not a paid job,  but I was involved with the lay out of the paper,and conducted many more interviews since that first interview with J. Michael Bloom. 

The only thing I would like to say, is that I had gotten married, etc. and put my writing away for a long while.

So with all of that being said I want to say thank you J. Michael Bloom.  I now  realize how much he meant to  my life!

  Thank you for taking out the time to listen,  and talk to one such as I was, way back when. 

Even now,  I am very sure, that my life is very different than it would have been if I had not met such a person of your presence and depth J. Michael Bloom. 

Thank you for your care  and concern when I needed it most. 

My son, who is now 14 is currently in the World Journalism Preparatory HighSchool.  He has been writing his own blog also.  I hope I am helping him by showing him.  I  hope he will become very successful whatever he decides to become.

 Thank you, Michael Bloom  for believing in me the most when I needed it.  Thank you for giving an opportunity to a young college student working toward goals and dreams.

My condolences to the Family and Friends of J. Michael Bloom.

 Sometimes it is the small, little deeds one does, that are the most powerful lasting gifts.

Thankyou,  J. Michael Bloom you will never be forgotten.
