Riveroflifelisajoy’s Weblog

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Archive for Racism





http://schooloffish.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/god-is-okay-with-slavery/ This picture was taken from  archives on slavery.  It was placed in this fiction story written by me….I thought a real picture would help the reader to understand the harsh treatment of slaves.  It was a course that I took that enlightened me to the terrible experience of the MIDDLE PASSAGE and what it did to the many tribes that had been taken hostage by the  SLAVE TRADERS. 

 That is why I had written an earlier post regarding PAT BUCHANNON’S shallow view on the slavery of African Americans and how he, (((PAT BUCHANNON))) thought that black people should be thanking “God” for slavery.  

 I will be writing  short stories based loosely on the readings and  course work I took for my education.  I am not an expert….but being African American and having lived in circumstances as an Afrcian American for 48 years may give me a little insight to attempt to “channel” some of my ancestors and their struggles through fictional dipictions of  slave experiences.

  I hope I do them justice.

At the bottom of this you will find a discussion I raised and copied regarding the emancipation of the  slaves due to Lincoln.


********************  Middle Passage and the Loss of my Village and Family—-Slave Memories…#2

OUR VILLAGE WAS CLOSE BY THE SEA.  MY MOTHER HAD A GARDEN AND MY FATHER  HUNTED FOR OUR FOOD WITH THE OTHER MEN FROM THE TRIBE.  There was a rival tribe that had stolen some of my mothers, and other women’s vegetables from their gardens. 

 Everyone was angry and running around.  I was 8 years old.  My brothers were 12 years old, and 15 years old  and a  7months old.  My parents talked and then my father and my older brothers  ran with their  spears to meet the other tribes men.  They had put on body paint,  and war feathers. 

The tribesmen gather in the center of the village and began to chant and sing and jump up and down until the air was filled with their voices and the dust rose up making swirling clouds around our heads.

  My father and the tribesmen ran from the village in anger and excitement chanting with raised spears.  My mother took me back to our hut and began to prepare the midday meal.  The war was on!  I did not know if my father would be back.

  My mother cooked yam and potatoe and meat.  She seasoned it and then we ate.  Suddenly there was a noise at the far end of the village.  Women were screaming and running in our direction.  My mother dropped her bowl and looked to the center of the village. 

She screamed and then grabbed me and my baby brother.  She pushed us into the jungle and ran, and pushed me and ran some more.  When we came to the beach we saw big things on the water floating. 

 I had never seen anything like that before.  It was brown on the bottom, and had cloth on the top floating in the wind.  Suddenly my mother screamed and I looked up as saw my mother being dragged away from me with my baby brother in her arms. She looked back at me and screamed again and I was picked up and carried away too.

  I began to scream and cry for my mother, and my father.  I remember being in a small boat that carried us to the big brown boat with the floating clothes.  My mother was forced to climb the boat, and I was forced too.  When we got on the boat we were chained together and then put down in a black place that smelled so strong that I gagged and threw up. 

 I was hit from behind and forced to lay down next to my mother and baby brother.  My baby brother had not stopped crying since this all began.  My mother held my hand and I was sobbing. 

 I heard a language I did not understand.  I could only see legs, and arms of people I had never seen before.  They looked angry and they shouted at us.  There were many people from our village, some old men, and some sickly men who had not gone to war with our rival tribe.

  Young boys, girls, and women from our village were on this big boat too.  Everyone was throwing up from the smell.  Everyone was crying and scared of this new tribe that was attacking us in our tribesmen absence. 

What would happen to us?  Where were we being taken?  Why did these tribesmen look so different from us?  Why did they seem so angry at us?  What law of their tribe had we broken?

  Some of my tribesmen and women I heard talking amongst themselves thought that these were evil spirits from our rival tribe that had been sent by their witch doctor to destroy us! 

 What a powerful witch doctor they had…some of the people said.  What will my father think when he comes back from war?  Our tribe was the stronger of the two….we had more people, and our tribe was tall and the rival tribe were not so tall. 

 So our wars with them were usually quick.  Our men would fight and battle for several hours, and injure some of their tribe and then fall back to our village until the next conflict…showing our dominence over them.  But now, who would cook for my father and brothers? 

 Who would cook for all of the tribesmen.  How could they fight this new foe who had taken the whole village captive?  I began to feel sick, and I had to relieve myself.  I was laying down on my back and my legs were aching.  My baby brother was wimpering now. 

 My mother was chanting and squeezing my hand.  The angry strange looking tribesman  started  pulling some of the villagers out of the areas that we were chained to. 

 My mother and baby brother were taken away from me and all I remember was my mother wailing and screaming my name, my baby brother’s name and then her voice cut short and then other villages started to wail and scream to our ancestors.

  Their was alot of noise coming from above my head in the blackness.  I could see specks of light….something dripped on my head and it smell bad.  I threw up again, and then I passed out. 

I woke up again seeing that my mother was gone and so was my baby brother I began to cry.  One of my captors hit the bottoms of my feet with something very hard.  I cried more and then they left me alone.  I had relieved myself on myself.  I smelled it and I threw up again. 

 Next to me was an old man from the village.  He had been quiet for a long time.  I called out to him but he did not answer.  He never answered me.  I knew he was dead.  I screamed for the ancestors to take me away from this black hole and torment. 

 I prayed as my mother had taught me to.  I asked forgiveness of my ancestors for any thing I might have done.  I felt a tug and a yank on my feet and I felt myself pulled to my feet.  The old man came out dead on the floor next to me. 

 My captors separated the chains and then reconnected them to a living  villager man.  They took the old man away and moved me down to the next villager.  They took us out into the open air.

  Something stuck into my foot as I walked.  I stumbled and one of my captors hit me in the back again.  I began to wimper.  I know what wailing would cause to happen so I wimpered to myself and prayed to my ancestors again.

  The sky was clear, blue and few clouds were around.  The big boat rocked from side to side.  I began to feel sick again.  They thrust a liquid in my mouth.  I began to throw  up again. I was hit again from behind and they yelled something at me.  I heard screaming and I saw a woman from the village being chased.

  She ran around the boat while the captors chased her.  They were laughing this time.  She finally was caught and they did  something in a crowd and encircled around her while she screamed out the name of her husband and ancestors. 

 I saw blood come  crawling from beneath the crowd of captors and the woman stoped yelling. 

 There was silence again.  Suddenly one of the captors tossed her dead body over the side of the boat.  Many of us who saw that gasped, and moaned and sung the song of sorrow for the dead. We called as one voice for the ancestors to come to carry her away to our ancestral home.

  We were taken back down to the hole and left until the captors took us out again.  Some men and women and children were beat, until they bled.  Some men were beat until you could see pieces of meat from their backs fly off in different directions.  Then we were taken back into the black hole. 

 Day turned into night and night into day.  One day the big boat stopped and we who had survived were taken from the boat and washed brutally, and greased. 

 New chains were placed on our hands and feet and we were taken into what appeared to be a village with more of the tribes people who looked and dressed differently then us. 

 They looked angry and laughed at the same time.  I passed out.  I awoke on a wood floor.  There was a large animal that looked like something I had never seen before. 

 One of the captors had been sitting and looking away from me.  I looked around and saw some of the villager men who had survived the trip.  I sat up and then I saw a big white hut.  There were other tribes in this new land.  I did not recognize any of them. 

 When the big animal stopped we were all yanked off the wood floor and put on the ground.  I was very weak, and sick.  I began to throw up again.  I was hit again.

  I was yanked to follow my fellow villagers to  a small white hut.  When we arrived more of the strange looking tribesman and some tribes men from my mother land were there.  We were handed bowls of food and we ate.

  This was strange food but it tasted better than the food on the large boat.  I began to feel better.  I looked around and saw animals I had never seen before.  Some were funny….a white bird with a red wobbly skin on its head and neck.  It made funny noises. 

I began to miss my mother and I cried again.  I was hit again. I began to wimper to myself and pray to my ancestors.  I wondered what ever happened to my father and the other tribesman and if they knew what had happened to us. 

I was given a hut to share with other tribesman, and clothes.  I was given work to do in a very, very large garden.  I never forgot my mother, baby brother, and my father and kinsman. 

 I worked until I died from a severe beating. 



This is a document regarding the emancipation of the slaves……





Abraham Lincoln and


Abraham Lincoln and Emancipated Slaves, April 1865

Richmond Virginia, the Confederate Capitol fell on April 3, 1865. The following day, April 4, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln went to the fallen city. Throngs of slaves were in the streets, celebrating their first day of freedom, and welcoming Lincoln. Thomas Nast captured this historic event with his drawing presented at your right.  This is perhaps the best portrait of Mr. Lincoln ever produced.  It shows that while Lincoln was to tragically die 10 days later, he did, if only briefly, get to see the fruit of his leadership and resolve.  He was able to see the grateful tears of the emancipated, and hear their cheers of appreciation. There is a fascinating story about this day, so please click on the image for the full story of the day that Abraham Lincoln walked the streets of the fallen Rebel Capitol.

braham Lincoln Entering Richmond Virginia

MIDDLE PASSAGE AND THE MEMORIES OF A SLAVE~~~Fiction by Riveroflifelisajoy

Ma name is John Smith.

Ah, been in dis here plantation since a

was a young chile..sold offin’

my Mama befo’ I was ten.

But Ah memba’ my Mama face

and my Mama hands.

My Mama face wuz brown

tired and sad. 

She wore a ole’ faded

red head rag.   She would

take me wid her to clean

the chicken coups

and feed the cows.

Ah would play and chase

the chickens!

One day the master

of  da house came and

picked me out from

ma friends and told

my Mama it wuz time

fo’ me to go!

I wuz too big to

be playin’ anymo’.

The master sent ole’

Joe, the helper to carry me off

to the market to be


Ah cried and kicked and

screamed fo’ my


She just stood a lookin’

after me and did not

move to help me!

Ah watched my Mama

grow tiny as the horse,

cart  pulled me and the otha’ slaves who

was packed into it away from

my birth plantation to a

new and dangerous beginin’!

Ah wuz sold to the Williams.

Mr. Williams was kind, but

his son was the mean one.

He liked to beat slaves fo’ nuthin’

and then leave um to die if they

put up a fuss.

He would jus’ buy mo’

slaves the next day.

The Williams plantation

was a cotton plantation.

Hard work, pickin’ cotton,

cuts up yo’ hands and stuff.

Ah grew big and strong.

I could carry three times my weight

on a good day.

So young master Williams took

good care uh me. 

But ah hated ta see

my friends suffer so.

One day we heard of the


Ah  decided to run awa’.

No, Ah told ye, that Master Williams

wuz good to me.  Ah just wanted to see

my Mama so bad.

Ah did not care about good treatment.

Ah wanted to be free! 

Ah made a chance run fo’ it

one night.

Ah wuz tryin’ ta meet

up wid the UnderGround RailRoad

in the forest.

Ah, made a mistake.

I told ole’ Buck, who curries the

Master’s horses.  He warn’ me

not to try it!  Ah, told him to minds his business!

I could out run any dog, or horse….cause the master

fed me the best food cause ah carried the heavy loads and pulled

plows when the horses went lame.

Sos’  I think that is why I wuz caught so fast.

When they draggs’ me back to the

plantation, there was ole’ Buck a lookin’

at me.  From a distance he kept gettin’

bigger, and bigger.  He stood right at

the wipping post and look at me….just starin’

and shaking his ole’ grey head.

When they tied me up I could see dried

blood where other slaves had been beat.

It wuz a cloudy day.

It wuz a hot night.

They found me in the day and wup me

deep into da night.

Young Master Williams took a break

from his workin’ my back, and

then told his workers to continue on

till the next mornin’ just wupin’

my back.

I stop yellin’ and then I don’t

member nothin after dat.

All I know is that I found ma’self

sittin up here wit Jesus, and da


Oh, and I found Mama too!

Except  she got a big smile on

huh face, and she wearing a white

dress and she don’t look tired no’ mo’.


Fiction Depiction of Slavery

by Riveroflifelisajoy

American Gangster…. Wow! Movie Review!

All I can say is WOW!  I had written a post about my concept of an American Gangster some months ago and I was shocked to see it was very close in comparison to  the true story I had related in an earlier blog.  But anyway the movie was very unsettling.

  I could not relate to the logic that possessed Frank Lucas–played by Densel Washington.  The character of Frank Lucas was the most clear minded, scary character in a crime based movie I have ever seen. 

 He was cool,  calm, and collected….but also he was smart and determined.  From the movie bonus feature it was stated that Frank Lucas became  a millionaire a day drug dealer back in the seventies. 

He had no conscious about it either. Amazing and scary.  He killed people by his own hand, and he made money from selling herion that killed people too. 

 But he was given a second chance and an opportunity to tell about corruption in the law enforcement personnel.

  Very Scary, and very disturbing.  The movie was well acted by Densel Washington.  I was surprised to see Ruby Dee!  Very well acted.  Densel is always a Class Act—all by himself.

Check out this flict….again brutally disturbing and cold hearted at times.  But informative about the 70’s.  I was in junior highschool when this happened.

Just be prepared for the blatant murder and physical beatdowns that Densel does!  If you did not go to the movie theatre like I did not…rent it or buy it.  A must see thriller!




big-summer-sky-at-dusk.jpgLook,  I am not a politics buff….but one thing I do know…..I heard 1010Wins  RADIO ROAD TO THE WHITE HOUSE,  state  that Hillary  Clinton is considering conceding defeat?!!!!


 Whaaaaaattt?????!!!!  Impossible says I!  NOt to be believed says I!  Hillary Clinton could not possibly give in so easily? 


 I was at a job related function yesterday and I heard  a several teachers, and a principal of a school discussing the issue.


  Some were thinking over the experience issues between Hillary and Obama.  It was interesting to hear.  One person who was black did not seem so impressed with Obama’s experience. 


 While another person who was also black,  was apparently happy about Obama’s  too close to the White House success in the primaries nationally! 


 They then compared how Jessie Jackson had made a bid for the White House.  However, they then  considered that Jessie Jackson did not appeal to middle America in his stance on issues or his way of speech or both. 


 They thought about it and bantered the topic,  but is was obvious who had Obama political fever and who did not. 


 I sat there for a minute, since I was not directly in the conversation, and I did start to get a little bit in awe of the history taking place before our eyes, and ears! 


My father was a World War II Veteran….my father cared for his wife and children.  My father brought a house in SpringfieldGardens that had a acre lot and a large bongalo house. 


My dreams have been realized through the fact that my father dared to dream and dared to step out from his comfort zone!  So  dreamers can be success stories!  Ya know?


 Mr. Obama,  I will definitely keep you, and Hillary Clinton in my prayers.  This is a momentous moment in time….savor it,  inhale it,  taste it! 


 It tastes like a green meadow at sunrise, wet with the dew of promise after a  midnight of malstrom storms and thunderous clamor. 


 Let that clamor and noise be the change of the century!


  Let Obama and Hillary bring fourth a New Begining for the future of mankind and the world!


Till next Hillary and Obama blog—



“Molestation by a Minister”– (NON-Fiction story written by Riveroflifelisajoy) Now watch…—T.D. Jakes Movie Woman Thou Art Loosed! wATCH THIS MOVIE AND LEARN LIFE’S LESSONS!

LIFE STARTS HERE.jpgFirst Saturday 

The little girl was lead down the dark dank cement staircase into a large open room in the basement of a church.  It was not her church.  It was a church that she would come to for math tutoring.

   There were chairs  and tables set up in a circular patten.  The little girl was lead to a table with three chairs.  She sat down and began to open her books.  She was shy and withdrawn naturally. 

  A predator could smell her fear of the world a mile away.  She sent out the signals and the signals were received.  She however, did not realized that her quiet seven year old shyness was a attractive to the predator. 

Once the tutoring session began and the other students had taken their seats,  the pedator made his way from table to table.  He sat down,  or leaned over in a standing position toward the other students.

  The first day with his little victim/ or prey was simple and quiet.  He asked her questions about her school work and he observed her closely.  She was very,  very,  withdrawn and barely raised her voice  above a whisper.

  “Yes,  yes,” the predator thought to himself in deep internal excitement.  If the little girl had looked up from her work   she would have seen   the predator tutor’s eyes—; she would have seen the hungry gleam eminating from deep within his very soul and his eyes! 

But instead, as was her usual reaction to new places, and people,  she kept her head down.  Keeping her head down and barely talking above a whisper made the predator want to take action right then and there. 

 But wait,  he had to get his prey comfortable, and relaxed.  He could see her nervousness too.  So wait,  he told himself,  wait.

  Soon she will be mine.  The hour and one half was up.  The students all filed out of the dank old church basement, and up into the fresh air  and glided over to their waiting parents.

  The little prey walked timidly toward her mother along side her more fearless big sister.  The predator decided right then to separate the two sisters according to age and grade.

  Lucky for the predator,  the prey was the only 2nd grader in the tutoring program.  He would put her at a table all by herself.  She would never complain like the other kids.

  She is very docile….bendable,  and plyable too.  With every thought he grew more excited and could not wait for the next Saturday program. 

 What great plans he had for this new meat! 

 Second   Saturday

Once again the little girl was lead down the dark, dank cement church basement  steps for math tutoring with the minister.   He made an announcement to the students to sit at the desk where the age and grades were their own.  

 He  lead the shy prey to her and his personal singular table with two chairs.  One for him and one for her.  He sat his chair very,  very close to her.

He began to talk in low tones about her math.  He gave her some assignments and some math equations and went to the other students to assist them.  

He could barely keep his mind on his work.  He wanted to sit next to this shy little girl. 

 She was clean, and neat, and terrified of the world around her.  The predator tried to convince himself that he must calm down.  He must be patient.

  Once he had all of the other students working on computations, and english assignments,  he went back to his quietly waiting timid prey.  He sat next to her, and she inched over slightly away from him. 

 He began to talk to her and then he placed a hand every so gently on her thigh.  She jumped.  She glanced up at him slightly and then looked back at her school work.  Inside the pedator laughed to himself in glee.  The prey began to cry in a low whimper.

3 Weeks Later  on Monday

The little prey had become uneasy as her mother questioned her.  She began to cry.  Her sister had told her mother that she noticed something funny going on at the little prey’s tutuoring table. 

The mother took out dolls and  had the little prey act out anything that she could not say.  Once the entire story came out  the mother told her husband — the little prey’s father. 

 They decided to go to the police and also go to the church.  The little prey remembered, years later that she had experienced pain in her lower region,  pain so severe that she would squeeze her eyes shut so  as to block out the memory of the predator’s large fingers and what they had done to cause her such pain while she had tried to learn her math lessons! 

 She remembered the smell of the dank basement and the look of the predator;  she remembered his fingers, and finger nails that were neatly clipped and clean, but caused her extreme pain! 

She remembered his plain black minister’s suite and white collar,  and the whisper in her ear to be quiet,  and “don’t make noise, you do not  want to disturb the other students.” 

 The little prey remembered hearing her parents yelling at the top of their lungs after she dismissed and was sent to bed ….so that “grown folks could decide what to do. “

******* You see the problem was that the little prey was black, and the predator was white.  It was 1967 and racism was still alive and well in society.******* 

 Who would they,  (the church) believe?  The  white Minister of a respected very powerful religious organization,  or a 7 year old little black girl?

   The answer :   the minister was not arrested.  He promised to seek counseling.  The little girl stopped the math tutoring. 

The final outcome of the predator is unknown.  But the little girl went on to have problems in math forever, and ever  AMEN. 

The characters in this story are real.  The names have been omitted for obvious reasons. 

The movie by T.D. JAKES—WOMAN THOU ART LOOSED….pay homage to “little prey”  and her brothers and sisters who have been victimized  throughout history. 

Please watch your children closely,  watch the people around your children closely…..and try not to leave them unattended with any one at all.



My New Year’s Resolution–It’s Gonna Be Great In 2008!!!

LIFE STARTS HERE.jpgNo matter what…I will resolve

to improve my status in life!

I  want to go in the direction of

Peace with my fellow man

I want to develop a clear and

concise plan

I will  move in the direction of harmony with

all.  But will not give up my self-respect

Because if I do,  I have wasted this long,  long up hill


Will you take my hand,

My fellow man?

Can we together rise,

up toward the heavenly skies to

bring down the fighting across the


Can we bring down the pain and suffering

in the lives of men,  women, and children?

Can we find ways to stay the course, and

not have to live out our lives full of

remorse?  From good deeds left undone,

from victories left not won?

Can you search deep within,  and see the one true love

of mankind that will give us the answer

and the goal that is about to unfold in the

coming year?

Does every year new have to begin with


Can we shout in victory together, all man kind

of  every race, creed and religion? 

All of mankind of all lifestyles, and traditions

Can we this year….of 2008  be ready,  be real,

and prepared to be GREAT?

What say you, my fellowman kind and womankind–Are we up for the challenge to participate in the year 2008!

Come forward, and do not fear,  the end of the 2007 is drawing to an end. 

I hope you will take the challenge and  assist this beautiful world on which we reside to come to a mend and heal from deep inside.

You do not have to believe in the same God as I do. 

Just place your foot, within your shoe and take just

one step forward.

Take another step forward toward your destiny.

There is a purpose for all of us on this globe called earth!

Do not be afraid to see your value,  see your worth!

I will pray for you.  I will pray for myself…

I will pray that the Almighty God above reveal his love to one and all!  That you,  your friends, and family  and I will

receive joy, peace and prosperity in the coming year 2008!

Just do not forget to open the gate for the poor,  the down trodden,  the sick,  and the weak.—

For those who have received much….much is required back to assist those who are yet on the road as pilgrims seeking salvation and peace.

May the God of all—The Alpha and Omega

the Beginning and the End —give you all that you need to succeed in 2008! 

I resolve to be a help and not a hinderance on that road  toward our goals of man-kinds success!

Till next blog


Cooking CHEAP, HEALTHY, QUICK AND NATURAL THE EASY WAY!—((watch that salt and sugar too!)) January 6, 2008

duckies at play This is a serene picture, that a friend took many years ago.  I will always cherish this picture.  I always believe that a meal should be peaceful, and unrushed.  Tranquil…  so that the meal gets digested properly.  Relax and   enjoy… I have a treat for you.  Quick,  healthy meal ideas from Riveroflifelisajoy!

Often people ask me to cook for school functions.  I do not offer food for those  occasions. 

 Why you might ask?  Well my mother always cooked very, very simply because my father was a diabetic. 

I do not have a special meal that people rave about….you know what I mean….don’t you?

  So I go to my old stand by….Italian Pastry!  I go to Sapiensia’s Excuse the spelling.

My favorite Italian Pastry is Connolly’s!  (spell check )  I love those…especially  when placed in the cake.

  The cake is vanilla with connolly creme inside and white or chocolate frosting.  This cake I like to purchase for family birthdays! 

It is my terrible little treat….once in a while….pssst but don’t tell anybody!!! LOL!!!!  

I also like another pastry called lobster tail!  That is great too.    I also love a certain other little treat  during the summer  the REAL CHOCOLATE CHIP CONNOLLY ICES!  YUMMY!!!! 

 And  all other natural fresh and delicious icey treats.  I love this stuff!  I do not generally buy junk food for my house.  I do not buy chips too much.  My italian pastry treat is about once every 4 or 5 months or so.  I am not a bing  or secret eater type person….Ya know?

But I love juices.  I love GREEN TEA by TURKEY HILL.  I know,  I know….maybe to much sugar right?  Probably so.  So  I have to cut back on the Green Tea….but it is so REFRESHING!

  I also love Welches Grape Juice.  Grape juice is also good for cleaning your blood with the antioxidents as well. 

I was told to go to Flushing Queens to get the REAL GREEN TEA LEAVES in stead of buying the premade stuff.

  Problem…there is difficulty parking and I would like a suggestion of how to locate the place that sells the REAL Green Tea leaves.

LIPTON TEA MIX HAS  a good GREENTEA MIX… —now that is not very sweet at all.  I think you would have to put the whole dry mix into your pitcher to get that over sweet taste. 

Every culture has it’s “staple” foods. 

 For example some cultures use rice,  or pasta as the basic staple of every meal.  some cultures use flavorings that are totally recognizable to that ethnic group.  Well,  I am African American. 

 But I do not know how to cook those culturaly known meals at all!  Suprised?  Don’t be.

  My parents knew and lived cultural diversity before it became the”IN THING”! 

My mother’s best friend lived with my family from the time I was five years old   until I was fourteen.  Irene passed away when I was fourteen. 

  My father was a practical nurse, and my mother was a stay at home wife.

  My mothers’s friend Irene was Irish American.  She had personal issues that she could not resolve so her children stayed with their father and she lived with us. 

 Irene was a wealth of knowledge of the fine arts,  food,  and creativity!  She and my mother would set about to decorate my parents house every six months!

  Irene and my mother with my fathers financial backing opend up a store on Jamacia Avenue in South East Queens called for Antiques and What Nots!  

Irene also worked in the Post Office, so she would contribute to the household and assist my parents with the bills. 

My mother and Irene were like Lucy and Ethel from the “I love Lucy Show”—they always had creative ideas (((back in the 60’s—that’s right! 

 A black woman and a white woman were best friends!— I did learn so much from that diverse family experience that I will always cherish and never forget!)))

 My family was very middle  class because my father kept two practical nursing jobs from the time I was born, until he died from diabeties at the age of 59.

 So I was fortunate enough to have a happy early start in life.  But my mother did not cook…traditional African American food! 

   My mother was raised as a Seventh Day Adventist!  They do not eat P0rkor pork by products!  They are similar to the Jewish belief in that they keep the Sabbath Holy and do not injestany pork at all.

  If you know anything about the south, a lot of meals are cooked using pork.  Vegetables –especially greens.  I never ate greens or collard greens with pork flavoring until I was an adult and attended a party! 

 My mother did not even make macaroni and cheese.  Not even fried Chicken!   I grew up eating the Irish Ham,  steak, chicken,  steamed, or boiled vegetables, and white mashed potatoes!  Funny— huh!

So read my receipes for simple meals….Please do not expect Soul food from me!  But do understand….I am asking around and people are giving me the receipes to make good macaroni and cheese,  or brown sugar kernal corn.  I will tell you how it goes!

Tonights meal:

Fried fish and onions with egg noodles and vegetables!

How to of Riveroflifelisajoy Fried Fish:


1 egg

1 cup of “America’s Choice Italian Style Bread Crumbs ( Waldbaums Brand)

4 “Captain Bob Whiting Fillets”   (frozen)  cut up two inches  a piece

1 third of the frying pan  filled with America’s Choice Vegetable Oil (Waldbaums  Brand)

1 large onion cut up in 1 inch slices

How to:

First, pour the  cracked open egg (yolk and all) over the cut up fillets.

Mix and cover all of the fish thoroughly.  Then pour the 1 cup of America’s Choice Italian Style Bread Crumbs over the fish and mix well with a fork. 

 All of the fish should be covered in bread crumbs.

After heating up your frying pan on low,  gently place the fish nuggets in the pan and cover with a lid.  Let brown on each side. 

After the fish nuggets have a golden tint place the chopped up onion in with the fish nuggets.  Keep the flame on low a bit longer. 

While this is cooking,  get a sauce pan and bring 2 cups of water to a boil.  Take one cup of  America’s Choice egg   noodles and place in the pan/pot.  Let boil in the water for 5 minutes. 

 Take a bag of frozen mixed America’s Choice vegetables  and pour one cup of vegies in the pot! 


In about 10 minutes you have noodles and veggies swirling around each other. 

 After they are completely cooked,  drain and then put in a bowl.

  Pour the America’s Choice Tomato Sauce over the veggies and noodles!

While veggies and noodles are complete—check your fried fish!

The onions should be browning lightly.  The fish can be cooked until crispy! 

Notice….the only salt added to this meal is the salt in the Bread Crumbs which is 430mg!

Also the other salt added to this meal is the Tomato Sauce which is 580mg!

Wow!  That is high for salt isn’t it!

So to decrease your salt intake….You might monitor your salt and look for LOW SALT bread crumbs,  and LOW SALT tomato sauce too. 

I do not add any salt on my own….and I feel that  salt in this meal is way over the limit even for me!

What do you think?

I will keep adding to this blog.

I will let you know of  the next dinner that I create!—Remember Low Budget…does not mean tastless meals!

I have to cook short quick meals…because after a long day at work….my energy is very low.  So I use pasta and vegetables.  I also use alot of brown rice.

  I love salad…which I did not discuss today.  I like fresh green kale or spinarch. 

 I do not buy canned vegetables.. I generally get the quick frozen veggies instead at Waldbaums.  Waldbaums always has a sale—like 10 packages for $10.00!   Great for the single parent on a limited income!  Excellent for life on a shoe string!

 I try to stay with foods that have salt naturally from nature….not additives.

Hope your cooking is cheap, healthy quick and easy!

Till next blog entry…


Shock Jock Don Imus–Back in the Saddle–with two Black Comedians by his side! What Could be Funnier?!! LOL!

JEWELZ HAND.jpg  J.  Jewelz, my son drew this depiction of his hand for class and gave me permission to use it as my perception of radio media or media in general and their influence over us the capitve public.

Citadel Broadcasting Corp : http://www.citadelbroadcasting.com/ 

WABC-AM: http://www.wabcradio.com

According to America On line News the above listed locations are where you can watch or listen to Mr.  Imus.   But I have a question!

What makes jokes funny?  What gives an internal click in your thoughts,  memories,  dreams,  personal experiences when you listen to a comedian and then you suddenly ERUPT!  Like a volcano into what we could aCHUCKLE,  LAUGH,  GIGGLE,  SNORTLE, GAWPAH, etc.

  When is a Court Jester entertaining?  Is there a certain level of intelligence needed inorder to find a joke FUNNY?  Is there an IQ level needed to understand and laugh at certain jokes?  Does a group of human beings have to be able to agree that a topic,  or statement is funny in order to laugh as a group?

  How do you determine what is a funny statement,  funny joke,  funny circumstance funny?  What is the litmus (scientific test) test to determine what makes a joke funny?  From Comedians like Steve Harvey,  Martin Lawrence, Don Rickles,  Eddy Murphy,  and I guess most of all based on my question Don Imus—-What makes a comedian really reach his or her crowd?  

January 6, 2008–addition to this writ:  A Detail of the certain “Comedians and what makes them “funny.”

  • Steve Harvey:  Has a comic appeal from his natural “southern comfort” accent to his practical approach to every day life.  His use of “characters” on the WBLS 107.5 morning show with Steve Harvey and “Nephew Tommy”,  “the King and the Young King”, with Lady support of “Carla and Shirley Strawberry” are great morning drive to work entertainment! 
  •  Sometimes Steve annoys me when he picks on His “Young King”–Nephew Tommy…but it is all in good fun! 
  •  The show does not pick on races,  but there are hints of racial discussion only based on current events. 
  • Steve is busy discussing “the Strawberry Letter” in which listeners request a “type of counseling regarding “real” personal issues.” 
  • Steve and his crew try to answer as openly, and practically as possible. 
  • Sometimes Steve shows a great deal of love and compassion for his listening audience, to the actual point of vocalized emotion, and audible tears
  • –for example a rather famous R&B singer died in 2007  and it was evident that Steve Harvey felt the great amount of loss in his discussion and treatment of the topic during the morning program.  It was very touching. 
  •  Steve and his crew also try to pull the listening community together  with “team building efforts” as well. For example he recently had a “college football musical band” competition being run. 
  •  He wants all of those bands from the Q-Dog Fraternities etc.  to join in! 
  •  They have to send a clip of their band in action and it will be judged!  That is GOOD CLEAN FUN!
  • Wendy Williams Experience on 107.5 is another example of a talk show that has a bit of the Zing and Bling of R&B pop-culture.
  • Wendy Williams program is generally on the cutting EDGE of HIP/HOP Rap Music and celebrity gossip.
  • Wendy Williams tends to pull her listening audience out to comedy nights every Wednesday where her audience can see her live and in person–OR “Dons and Divas socials and parties.
  •  Despite the fact that she states that she is selfconscious when she goes to these social events…she goes any way and maintains a visual and interactive connection with her 107.5 faithful band of “DONS AND DIVAS!” 
  • Wendy Williams does discuss current events to a certain extent—but mainly issues that pertain to daily life like plastic surgery, parenting from her perspective of course as a working mother;  family ties, and of course her job itself and how she got where she is today. 
  • Wendy Williams also has the desire to listen to her audience—which sometimes proves to have more comic relief than expected. 
  • She is generally not rude to her callers that request advice about issues in their lives or their friends lives…
  • but sometimes she can be aggressive in her counseling and thoughts on a given issue.
  • Wendy Williams likes to joke,  or imagine, or analyize certain celebrites and how they handle their personal issues. 
  •  That stuff  can be quite funny as she talks to  various celebs,  or  gossip magazines, or her side kick Charlemain the G-d —who gives a southern modern country “boy”(no disrepect intended) or should I say lovingly —THUG—    perspective.
  • Wendy Williams also tends to bring her listening audience in on her own self reflection from time to time as she talks thoroughout her four hour program.  —That is an endearing quality because she lets her humanity shine through.   

 At the Apollo theatre,  that I have watch over the years on regular television, late Saturday night,  the have the “Sand Man”  who comes out and dances a silly dance and pushes the bad preformer, or the not funny comedian off the stage.  The Apollo Theatre audience is “UNFORGIVING” in their response to acts that do not foot the bill. 

 If you can make it here….atleast you will not be humiliated in from of a couple of hundred people and a late night television audience.  But Don Imus was not only “kicked off of the Stage”  a couple of months ago….but he was fired too. 

 Now that means that what he called being funny,–what Don Imus called a “Joke”–was not considered to be a joke by the majority of people who heard that ALLEGED joke that used the phrase  NAPPY HEADED in a sentence in reference to African American female college students that happened to be on a Basketball Team that had just won a championship.  

 The concept that was stated in the Amercia On line Article by Deepti Hajela, AP Posted 2007-12-03 called,  ” AN APOLOGETIC IMUS IS BACK ON THE AIR,” an aparently die-hard fan of Mr.  Imus stated, (according to Hajela) “It was supposed to be a comedy context,  A comedy show-Walter said.  “He (Don Imus) said something that was supposed to be funny and everybody beat him over the head for it.” 1

As I asked early in this my little rit on Sir Imus–Lord of all that is “SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY—BUT SOME HOW FALLS DESPARETLY SHORT,”   what makes comedy,  comedy?  How do we test if a joke, a statement is funny or not?

  Some how that whole concept of comedian and court Jester takes me that back to  the 14th and 16th century—if a court jester was not pleasing a “king” for example….there was always the potential of being beheaded!

  Expecially if the COURT JESTER was making reference to some problem of the Kings!~  you know some moment of indescretion that people had become of aware of.  If the king was not pleased with those references the court jester was eliminated for ever! 

So back again to my question of what makes Don Imus funny to some of his audience.  Why does that listening audience want a diet of what Mr.  Imus puts out over the airways?

  Is it that Mr.  Imus has the “guts” to say what is on the mind of MIDDLE AMERICA?  Does Don Imus speak for a majority of people that think that being a female,  African American on a Wining Team from college is FUNNY?  wHAT IS SO FUNNY ABOUT THAT? 

First of all being an African American woman myself I have come to live all of my 47 years  trying to achieve and grow and be a leader.  I do not want to hear someone  make reference to my ethnic, or racial “markings”—or identifiers like my big hips,  wide nose,  dark complexion, or “nappy” hair when I am sitting in an open forum….even if it is supposed to be comedy! 

To be honest I feel hurt,  and embarressment when a person who is not black makes reference to my hair texture, my lack of free flowing hair and dark skin.  I grew up in a mixed race situation.  A family friend had lived with us for a while named Irene.  Irene was Irish American.  She never made reference t0 my father,  my mother, or my looks or appearance on a racial level. So why is talking about someone’s race considered funny?  Isn’t the phrase “Art Imitates Life—or  Life imitates Art”; which one is it?

 I am not just talking ab0ut Mr.  Imus here.  I am talking about the other BLACK  AND WHITE c0medians.  They are all guilty of the same crime.  SPEAKING ABOUT RACE CANNOT EVER BE VERY FUNNY—not with all of the struggles our American,  European,  African,  Indian have suffered–the sterotypes,  the slavery,  the maltreatment,  the human rights issues etc.  All of this is based on a  families based on race,  financial struggles,  (alleged IQ issues,)—So when again I ask—do we consider a REMARK as FUNNY?

Is domestic violence ever funny?  Is mental illness ever funny—I mean in a general audience context?  You do not know who was a victim of domestic violence.  Some people are still recovering from serious issues and circumstances.  You don’t see people wearing  signs that state…”please do not make domestic violence jokes, —I was once or are still am a victim of domestic violence! 

—So again I ask—how do we as a society rate what is going to be considered FUNNY TOPICS?  Babies and the funny things they do as they grow and mature have funny images,  actions,  etc.  Toddlers are funny as they grow and mature and discover the world at eye level, and crawl level. 

 Cats and dogs are funny in how they relate to their domesticated living circumstances and being owned by a human.  There are so many “funny” videos on America’s Funniest Videos.  Some videos on that show are not funny to me. 

Videos in which it may seem that someone did or had the potencial of being hurt or injured in some serious way.  I do not find person on person violence—(a.k.a. The Three Stooges)  funny. 

Maybe I am too much of a stuffed shirt.  But I do not like the N- word reference funny when it comes out of a BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN comedian EITHER!  Hey….I am not giving out free lunch today on this issue.  Everybody is guilty of forgetting the life and death struggles of all of our ancestors….black and white. 

  So let us begin at the beginning!  Remember the hurt and the pain of being a slave….remember the hurt and the pain of being abused because of race,  creed or lifestyle…..then remember yourself as a child when you were bullied by a big kid, take all that into consideration and think of it next time you make a joke about someone you do not even know personally.  I hope that Mr. Imus would do the same. 

 We all want respect,  we all want love, and we all need shelter and decent jobs.  So again,  according to Hajela, the author of “An Apologetic Imus Is Back on the Air.”–Mr.  Imus has been reaching 40 million house holds with his spin on  what is funny.

 To go with that  he has a contract or did have one before he was fired for $40 million dollars!!!!!  Wow!  Can I make that kind of money too…..just to talk trash to the rich and wealthy? 

I know how to interview,  and ask some questions.  But the point here is —when you are paid $40 million dollars a year–are’nt you responsible –or atleast would not it be the wise thing to organize your show a certain way? 

Not censorship—but respect to other humanbeings  would possibly help to decrease this racial divide.  —Why would you not consider the responsibilty to your audience.   Oh,  that is right! 

 Don Imus is still considered an icon to Middle America— that is why wouldn’t certain people  would not speak out against his flip remark.  It is time for America to grow up.  We need to attain a goal for  schooling our children and even adults on proper race relations. 



JEWELZ HAND.jpg7th Grade JEWELZ HAND ***(This picture was done two years ago by J-Jewelz.)*** -My son’s interpertation of his hand.—I asked his permission to use it as my interpertation of media and it’s control over our listening ears in this society today 2007 and beyond!

Why is it that this society loves to have an unending diet of hatred,  ignorance and disrespect tossed and bantered about the radio waves like a volley ball? 

Why can’t we all get along? 

I heard on 1010 wins—my  usual radio news program that I listen to while driving….that Don Imus is going to get a black side kick!

  Do they really think that is going to do anything to prevent him from making inappropriate statements? 

Whoever sits there unless it is Whoopy Goldberg, or Rosey O’Donnel will just be a YESUH,  YESUH BOSS person —like the STEPIN’FETCH-IT of my mothers days!  Ugh!

  It is so disgusting.  But I will not lie. I might have done the same for the type of money if I  was offered the chance. 

 But I would not sit there like “Robin” does for that  other ICK, YACK ,YUCK,  radio talk show Host— who went to satillight dish radio with his always inappropriate talk show. 

“Robin”  yuck,  yucks it up and laughs all the way to the bank. 

 ((((I can’t remember this guys name but you know who it is.  He has dark black hair and he is tall.  He is very rich, and I believe he divorced his wife.—-you know a realy winner/looser in my opinion because he talks in sterotypical terms on men,  women,  himself etc. )))) —I got it now!!!  Its a gentleman named Howard Stern.

It is annoying.  BUT—HE does have an audience that eats that stuff up.  Okay,  lets be honest. 

***Please help me out here—what is that guys name with the black female side kick to all of his obnoxious statements yucking it up to the bank and laughing at all of the nonesense that goes with his show?—please comment and tell me this guy’s  name!—Thanks!

 I do listen to Wendy Williams (((at 107.5 WBLS))).***  She does say inappropriate stuff sometimes….or rather it borders on inappropriate topics!!! 

 But Wendy tends to attack only the RICH AND WEALTHY—not the poor up and coming young people in our world today like Mr.  Imus did. 

If Wendy has something to say to a person she generally states it to the person.  Generally it is to rich folk who are grown enough to handle it.   (Like Puffy, P. Diddy-Diddy and the like*****)   

 An example would be how she and HER sidekick Charlmane The –G-d!      They try to let young women who appear to have confused concepts on their path in life and how they allow themselves to be  badly treated in their personal relationships—-So Wendy calls them “DONKEYs—THEY EVEN HAVE A SONG FOR THEM. LOL! —Look nobody is perfect. —But the difference between Wendy is that she speaks directly to the young people that are actually asking for her insight in life experiences.  It seems hard to believe but some of these young people take  Wendy quite seriously and then they make their own decisions. 

But Mr. Imus talks about people he probably would not even think about unless he was at work. 

 Wendy Williams comes to the Hood,  promotes the hood  and even has scholarships for young women and gives them opportunities to do internships! 

Who has Don Imus Mentored?  I will leave that to your imagination!


I hope that this re-assignment to his perch does not have Mr.  Imus –who by the way is not a young wippersapper and does know the damage he is doing–

I hope he does not crow up another worldwind of negativity between blacks, whites, browns, yellows, etc.  We are all bleeding red!

  We need each other!  –Just like the sea animals need the ocean.  We are one in the same as a human race. 

 I do not believe that we could survive without the other in the world.  Family does not always get along….but deliberate acts of self-hatred between the races will jeopardize our childrens, children in the generations to come. 

 Please,  you may not agree with me.  But lets try to maintain and manage those radio jocks who have the power of the air ways and have the power of influence with the media attention and commerical air time

 If you do not sponsor or agree with some negative statements speakout!  

 Why wait for the AL SHARPTON’S OF THE WORLD to speak out for you?! 

 Think it through.  That statement about those basketball players was uncalled for. 

 So I hope Mr.  Imus learned his lesson!  KEEP IT LIGHT MR. IMUS AND THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!   I hope the radio producers know what they are doing! 

It is not fair when radio jocks try to make abrupt and thoughtless statements  about COLLEGE STUDENTS–or anybody for that matter. 

It is ususally stated that it is not fair to talk about somebody who is not present in the room.

  Well,  I have a better one. 



I will be listening and I will respond.



AS  I state:

Try to look past race, and look into your neighbors heart,  and see that we are all basically the same. 

 We all have same basic needs…..food,  clothing,  shelter, love.  To me the most important thing***after food and shelter is to have  LOVE!


LIFE STARTS HERE.jpgToo often it has been stated that black men are not there for their children,  or men in general are slacking off from their responsibilities.  I have a different perspective.

 My father was a WWII African American Veteran.  He was on the front lines of  that war,  from the way he described it to me when I was a kid. 

I used to love to listen to  him tell stories about work,  or some about the Army Reserve. 

My father had been given a waiver and also given a license to practice as a Practical Nurse when he came out of the service of the United States Army.

  He  became an Army Reservist.  He was a Sgt.  in the Army Reserve. When I was a child he would take me to the Army off of Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, NY.  I used to love it there during the Christmas  Holiday!  That place was so gigantic to a small child. 

I would run and play amongst the army tanks, and jeeps!  I loved the smell of the gasoline, and heavy metal vehicals.  That was my second home when my father would take me there for parties, to get my gift from “Santa.”!  

  Upstairs in the rooms where the party with Santa was held, there were so many rooms.  The other children and I would sneak from “secret room to secret room” until our parents would call us to come sit on Santa’s lap!  My father would always know everybody there. 

 When I think back,  I did not know what “racism” was until I got into my teens.  My father was friendly with every army reservist there!  There was laughter, and jokes and smiles,  pats on the back and introductions to the other families and their children! 

 I recently found a letter from him to my mother when he was on Army Reserve upstate at Camp Drum.  This letter had been written in 1960’s.  He was telling my mother to pick up his check from the hospital where he worked. 

 He also said that he missed her at the end of his letter.  That was touching to me because it seem that when became severely overcome by diabetes his attittude had changed toward my mother. 

 He eventually passed  when I was 21 years old, from an enlarged heart, and kidney failure.  He suffered trememdously  from  diabetes! 

 I remember watching my father give himself a needle in the stomach.  He had been put in the hospital a couple of times. 

But one thing I noticed about my father, was that he refused to stay home from work.  He went to work everyday. 

He had two jobs.  He worked in what was then called Brooklyn Jewish Hospital,  and Creedmoor Children’s Hospital.

  He would leave for work at 10:00 p.m. and not return home until the next day at 5:00p.m.  My mother would have dinner prepared,  he would take his shower and go straight to bed. 

 He never got many hours of sleep at home. He worked in the Emergency Room at Brooklyn Jewish Hospital at night.  He worked at Creedmoor Children’s Hospital during the day. 

He provided a large bungalo house with a big yard for his family.  My mother called him a WORKAHOLIC!!

His major concern was  that my mother provide him with clean clothes, and dinner.  He could handle the rest. 

On the weekend my father would take me to the park after he had had some sleep. 

He would make sure I had done my chores and then the rest of the afternoon was my time with him!  He loved to play handball with people he had met in the park while I ran around with my friends at the  playground. 

 I never had a bad experience at that park in Cambria Heights Queens NewYork!  As I got older the movies with Bruce Lee came out and my father and I truly enjoyed everyone of those on Saturdays.  

 I remember seeing “Enter the Dragon and a whole host of other movies!”  I became so involved that I started buying Karate Magazine and my father  enrolled me in the Jerome Mackey Karate School. 

 I took up judo!  The Karate Teacher looked very mean and he yelled alot.  So I took judo instead.  I loved being tossed about. 

Except for one time that my judo partener  did a move I did not expect and tossed me so hard that my bottom lip slid across the canvas mat. 

 My feelings were hurt and I never returned to that judo class again. 

 You see,  I loved the sport….but I was a bit shy,  and did not really like the violent part. 

 But  looking back now I realize how I must have had a deep crush on Bruce Lee,  because when he died I was heart broken—for a long while. 

 I read the book on his life and death.  I met my husband when I was 28 and don’t you know it —my husband had two black belts?

  I was shocked.  He had a black belt in IKEJUJITSU  and Korean Karate—oh,  and he also had a black belt in sword, and weapons fighting too

  I was floored,  and excited that I was marrying someone who had such skill.

—-Getting back to my father,  he purchased an above ground five foot 20 or more round swimming pool which he very rarely used himself.

  It was for the family –and he worked so he was more interested in sleeping!  My father allowed my mother to express herself in decorating.

  He even assisted her in opening up an antique shop on Jamacia Avenue in 1965! 

  He was a special man and He was a SPECIAL BLACK AFRICAN AMERICAN MAN!!!!   

  In closing I would like to state that we must remember the good in aALL MEN!!

  No one is perfect.  But try to remember the best in the people you have met.  There are always opportunities to build up your husbands and fathers. 

 Let’s try to decrease some of the negative press against the Black/African American Men,  and Men of ALL RACES for that matter. 

Show a man in your life that you care, and that you appreciate the kind and good things that they do for you.

    It is always easy to find the weaknesses and the errors—But for the sake of your children build up their selfesteem by being role models that they will remember up until they are middle age 47 year old  woman like myself.

  What you do today will defintely last a life time, and will go to the next generation after you are gone! 

 Enjoy the Holidays, and keep safe!