Riveroflifelisajoy’s Weblog

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Archive for Rudy Guilani for President

Gasoline and the Threat from Venezuela!! Here comes that Sudden Fear of $4.00 Gas Price and Above!!! Hold on “its Gonna be a Bumpy Ride!”

FRUSTRATION.jpg (This picture is titled:  “FRUSTRATION” this was painted by me during the summer  of 2007. ) 

 This picture reminds of the continuous struggle of the gasoline prices in the United States today!    Update 12/02/07 –         I feel that the recent gasoline prices are some what stable between $3.19 per gallon for regular and $3.45 per gallon for regular.  I have seen the cheap prices in  Long Island.

  I have seen expensive prices closer to the Long Island Expressway.  I have a gas station right on Jamacia Avenue in Queens Village that  stays between $3.19  and $3.25 so far.  But sometimes I wait to the last minute to get gas and then I end up waisting money and paying $3.45 for gasoline per gallon.  That is bad because I only have $5.00 on me sometimes!  $5.00 per fill up is like putting a 1/2 cup of water into the gas tank!  I am being priced out of car driving! 

 1010 Wins  (Radio News Station)  said it!  On Saturday night,  after I drove all the way to BayTerrace Tennis Bubble and dropped my child off for practice….I got that jetters in my gut AGAIN!

  The Venezuelian Country,  who along with other oil rich countries  holds the keys to alot of ‘OIL’–natural resources gave a threat to the United States. 

 1010 Wins stated that,  correct me if I am wrong,  Dictator Julio Chavez said, ” If the United States attempts any military action on Venezuela,  or Iran  that “OPEC” will continue to INCREASE  the PRICES OF GASOLINE!!!  

“Oh,  Lord,”  I thought,  my stomach is starting that bumble jumble dance.  I have a weak stomach when I feel any type of frustration,  or fear.  Hey look,  I have faith and all that….but I cannot fill my gas tank with Faith,  Dreams,  or Positive Thoughts! 

I need hard cold Green Backs or A Line of Credit!  I do not have a Visa,  MasterCard,  American Express,  or Even a Discover Card ( due to previous loss of husband,  loss of house,  and Banckruptcy!!)

  I have been attempting to pick my life up from the ashes—but this GLOBAL ECONOMY just will not slow down or get together long enough for me to gather my own resources….which are skimpy to say the least. 

 Look,  I know the being black and having a Bell Curve IQ nonsense has affected my life I guess.  But guess what?  The gas station guy does not care what my IQ is!! 

 All he wants to know is how much Gasoline I want to buy?  How much money to I have in my pocket!  The Gasoline Prices I saw this weekend were staggering! 

 I saw the Super price at an EXXON  station for $3.55 per gallon.  So what is the big deal to raise it another .50 cents?  Look,  I am not some famous singer like Beyonce who juants around the world looking beautiful and creating designer  clothes! 

I am a typical 47 year old woman who lives and breathes according to the prices at the supermarket,  gasoline station, Walmart,  Waldbaums, rent etc. 

I have to know how much of the global economy and wars and rumors of wars will affect my everyday life.  This is not a reality TV program—THIS IS REALITY! 

 OPEC is considering raising  the gas prices….that is squeezing my already triple pinched penny that is in my nearly empty pocket book!

  My church helped me with a “Care Basket for ThanksGiving”  but who will donate a “full” tank of gasoline to me?  Nobody! 

So the fear begins to rise in my throat like bile on an empty sour stomach!  My head has begun to get that throbbing sensation right at the temples!  UGH!!!!! This is going to be a LONG,  LONG,  LONG WINTER!!! 

Just tell me,  what are all of the presidential hopefuls’stating this time?  Are they still fighting each other about a five year war that is basically something in the past ( as far as who signed or voted for it?)

  They need to stop the nonsense and come up with solutions to bring this global economy under control before the little people like me,  you know “the not so beautiful, not so famous, just plain Jane,  challenged,  single parent,  BABY BOOMER, elder care giver go under for the last time. 

 How am I to make it?  I don’t get food stamps cause I ‘MAKE TOO MUCH’ (as compared to people who have more than one child) and I don’t get HEAP ASSISTANCE for the same reason. 

I feel like I am on the brink of destruction here.  “Brother can you spare a dime.”  –Soon to be Brother can you lend me the price of  half a tank of gasoline?”  I hope that Obama,  Clinton,  and Ron  come up with some solutions and stop the nit picking over each other’s records!!! 

 What are you going to do to stop this economic assualt on my dollar at the gasoline pump???!!!! 

 They need a reality check!  People like me need help and I need to put my vote behind the person who has the best solution,  and the right direction to take this global issue and make a change for the better. 

 If things do not improve for me financially I do not know where my family will end up. 

First stop for me is to pray. 

Hope everyone will do the same.—or whatever method you use to increase positive outcomes in your lives!

Remember, Gasoline is the STAPLE of US ALL!

Barak OBAMA —Who is Barak Obama? I am black like him—but I know Hillary better it seems.

Can I share this with you?  My little confession?  It is not really a secret, but I am a bit confused by this

.  When I first heard the name Barak Obama I thought,” That sounds interesting!  It has a nice ring to it!”  Then I heard about and saw television discussions about his book about his life as a child and being bi-racial. 

 I might have even looked at the book at the Barnes and Noble Book Store too.  I love to read about personal life experiences, and problems that people over come.  But I still did not connect this nice sounding name to a presidential candidate!   I live in New York City!  

I have watched Saturday Night Live for most of my adult life.  I have been a New Yorker all of my life.  I remember when Hillary Clinton stood beside  Ex-President Bill Clinton when he went through his personal and public issues with a severe indescertion ( to say the least). 

 But what has Mr. Obama done?  Where was he  all of these years that I was watching Ex-President Bill Clinton play his saxophone,  and run the country with his very intelligent wife by his side(no matter what)? 

Life is strange.  I had a situation similiar to Hillary with my husband and it was a difficult time in my life and my marriage.  I stood by my husband’s side. 

I still up hold his name and character for his son and previous acquaintences I run in to from time to time.  Does Hillary’s personal battles indicate that she will make a great president?  Not not nessesarily—but she did show self control under extreme pressure. 

 Humiliation can be a hard, hard road to walk –especially when it is about a “very private,  very intimate matter” that has been splashed all over the news papers!   Especially when it involves your private life with your spouse! 

 I saw a Hillary that would not bend or budge to public outcry.  I saw her husband strengthened by Hillary’s resolve and committment! 

 But what have I seen of  the man with the nice name who is black like me?  I have to honestly say nothing. 

 I have no real reason to see him as a presidential candidate any more than Ron Paul.  I know absolutely nothing about Ron Paul either. 

 And what I do know about Rudolph Guliani makes me angry!  So how do I make my final choice on a president? 

Listen,  there is too much at stake.  The world,  the global economy is in an uproar. 

The GASOLINE PRICES ARE PROMISING TO GO UP!!!!  And what is worse is that the United States  Dollar is declining in value….which means my dollars do not spend like they use to. 

Do you think that I am so shallow that I would place my vote in the direction of   the attitude of: “Oh,  that guy is black (or mixed race)  let me cast my vote in that direction so that we can get ONE OF US IN THE WHITE HOUSE.

  I am rather conservative and yet I also have moments in which I am quite Liberal.  But as I stated early—THERE IS TOO MUCH AT STAkE! 

I do not want another war!  My son is fourteen.  I do not want him being sent to another war because someone reacted!!! 

Reactionary behavior can not be tolerated in the condition that the world is in. 

I have a perfect example of what I mean.  Did you ever see those medical mysteries/ miracles shows on Discovery Channel – in which a baby was born with the delicate heart beating strongly but on the outside of the babies chest cavity? 

 Did you see how the doctors  gently,  ever so gently urge that little beautiful heart back into its rightful, perfect place? 

 If it is not done gently,  carefully,  thoughtfully that new born babe would surely not survive. 

Don’t you want to see this world survive? 

 The natural resources are disappearing,  polar bears are dying,  the possible “global warming”  make take away from the future of your children and mine.

  So what to do?  What to do?  The HEART OF THE WORLD—STARTING WITH AMERICA  must be urged gently back into place.  The heart of Iraq must be urged gently back into place. 

I am not stating that Barak Obama is not capable of doing it. 

I just don’t know why I know more about Al Sharpton than I do about Barak Obama!  

 Yes,  he has been quietly working in whatever state he is from.  

 know Oprah gave him a gala $2000.00 per plate fund rasing dinner….But what are the promises he is making?  Attacking Hillary is not telling me—Ms.  Black Q Public—what  Mr.  Barak Obama will do if we get another  911 attack! 

  Despite the fact that people do not like it…..Hillary will have the common ground of being in the White House as the first Lady before.  She knows the protocol. 

 I do not believe that she will force us into another war.  Yes she might have flip flopped—but  I might have done the same.

  The conditions in this world can not be fortold.  This is not a game of chances…..when you deal with diplomacy it might be for keeps—-it might set off a change reaction that we will not know what hit us!!! 

 I want a person in the presidential office that is not afraid to address issues head on.  I  want a person in office who will take the time to think out a diplomatic option before dropping military like medication on a problem in a foreign land —which of course could come back to bite us later on!

  Some other issues are the need for health care.   I will always thank President  Bill Clinton for the FAMILY LEAVE ACT LAW!   Due to the medical problems in my little family,  I have  had to use that.  FAMILY LEAVE ACT SAVED MY JOB!!!!  

 I  do not know Mr.  Obama is all I am saying.

  He is  on the attack against Hillary.  Sometimes that is a good strategy—but is that what I will see if he was elected to office? 

 Will he attack foreign diplomacy instead of making peace?  Or will he allow certain problems to grow out of control and then react?  

I believe a thoughtful,  steady hand is what is needed for the next president of the United States.

  This is great.  great Super Power of the world.  We feed the masses of  hungry,  and save so many from inhumane conditions. 

 Our country is  a place to help the disadvantaged,  and I want to see that continue. 

I would hope Mr.  Obama could show me more of who he is and what he truly stands for. 

 What  are his concerns for black males,  and gang issues in America?

 Will Mr. Obama set aside money for building better educational programs instead of more jails? 

 Will Mr. Obama look toward saving our nearly defunct Social Security?  I am now 47 years old…..what is going to happen to me when I turn 65 or 70.  Does Mr. Obama have any ideas about that?  

I hope I could hear more about the hopes and dreams for this country than the attacks on one another from the presidential candidates in the next few weeks and months.