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Archive for EvanAlmighty


The tables have turned.  The history books have not yet been written,  but the printers and computers are buzzing and very HOT! 

Hillary Clinton  has not broken down and  conceded the Democratic run for the President of the United States.  However,  despite her concession or not….BARAK OBAMA HAS BECOME THE DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTCIAL CONTENDER WITH MCCAIN!!! 

So, in reality,  it has been a long  hard road.  However,  I do not believe in all of my 48 years as an American citizen,  that I have witnessed such a power struggle.  When Jessie Jackson had attempted to wage a bid on the White House,  it was met with a bit of respect,  but not the fury or the shock that Barak Obama has been met with.

  The Kennedy Family, has stood firm and strong behind Barak Obama.  The Kennedy Family are staunch supporters of Barack  Obama.  They must know something that many of those against Obama do not know.

  I would watch carefully,  and study the next few months.  The moves behind the scenes and the actions taken in public will determine how much the democrats will  be able to influence the Congress, and the Senate.  The voting of the SUPER DELEGATES  has determined that Barack Obama is the presidentcial choice of the democratic party.

So what is the problem for the other half of the democratic party?  Why would voters who state that they want WANT  CHANGE….WANT TO GO IN A NEW DIRECTION….WANT TO GET OUT OF IRAQ,  WANT HEALTHCARE,  WANT JOBS,  WANT CHANGE IN THE OIL CRISIS…..why would the HILLARY CLINTON supporters state that (based on  1010 WINS NEWS REPORTS OVER THE PAST FEW DAYS), that they will turn their votes over to John McCain?

  John McCain represents the same last 8 years of our current president’s thoughts and paradigms….so WHY wouild Hillary  Clinton’s supporters want to even suggest or  threaten to vote against their long fought for views of a NEW TOMORROW that Hillary Clinton has PREACHED, AND SERMONED, AND ADMONISHED HER voters and co-presidential candidates about? 

 Just because Obama Won….and Hillary did not win the intra-party Democratic vote; is that enough to make Hillary Clinton’s  supporters “jump ship”  and join the opposing party,  one which does not agree  with universal health care, and getting out of Iraq immediately,  etc., etc., etc.,?!!!  STRANGE….STRANGE….STRANGE….How an election could swing in the opposite direction midstream because the person that everyone wanted DID NOT GET THE NOMINATION FOR DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL  HOPEFUL! Is it  that the Hillary Clinton Supporters are  dismayed!????

  If that was done in the Obama Camp,   Obama would have been reprimanded by the Democratic Party for the behavior and negative counter statements of his staffers, and supporters.   To state that half of the democratic party will turn and become republican voters to prove a point….is “like throwing the baby out with the bath water….or cutting off your nose to spite your face!!”


  Why are the Hillary Clinton supporters willing to run behind John McCain….someone who will continue business as usual?  STRANGE HUH?

It is so very sad  that the run for president by Barack Obama has struck a DEEP, DEEP cord in some HILLARY  Clinton Supporters.    There have been some people who   have been making very negative statements about Obama. 

 There was  recently   a  Hillary Clinton  Supporter  who was ranting  so much that it got on U-TUBE!  This woman stated that she would not vote for Obama because he does not meet the standard and that he would not be in the race for president if it was not for Hillary Clinton! 

 Wow!   It  would appear that the credit would go to Obama’s mother and father for giving birth to him. The credit should go to his grandparents, for raising him.

Some people in MIDDLE AMERICA do not have half as much education and world    experience as Barack Obama!!!!

How about that Barak was raised by  his white grandmother, and grandfather.  Although everyone is calling Barack Obama black, simply because his father was black,  he was not raised by any black people. 

 Barack Obama’s father was an educated man however….but he was not raised by his father at all.  So if you want to look at Obama as SO—SEPARATED FROM MIDDLE AMERICA….I think that we need to rethink about Barack Obama’s upbringing. 

 His  white mother was an anthropologist,  a very liberal person,  and free spirit who traveled the world and lived her life in persuit of helping others. 

 She could not instill more public service ideals than that.  Despite his grandparents, and his mother being white….it seems more comfortable to call Barack Obama black.  BLACK, BROWN,  YELLOW SKIN is simply that….SKIN,  SKIN,  SKIN.  Does a black cow give better milk than a white cow? 

 Is a black cat evil?  Does a pink flower smell better than a orange flower?

Society has created a border and a way of separating each other by a color line.  So again…..Why are the Hillary Clinton Supporters trying to separate from Obama  and run to John MCCain?   Just think about it for a minute. 

Oh,  I forgot….people are concerned about Obama’s experience,  right?  Well,  how many  foreign policy, crisis in military, economic meetings with former president Clinton, did  Ms. Clinton sit in on?

  I will not challange this topic too much.  There are others who are already doing a good job of that.

  What I really want to discuss right here and now…is why it would not be good for Hillary Clinton to be Vice President to Obama’s  President. 

A back seat driver does not have the right to turn the wheel of the car.  Although the combined effort of Hillary Clinton and former President Clinton would possibly be a good choice to aide in strenghening the new, president Barack Obama (((if elected)))….it could possibly turn into a battle of power and test of the “wills.” 

 If the new president has a former opponent as a vice president….it would appear that issues could arise behind close doors between the two.

  For example,  if the newly president elect Barack Obama has to make a decision about a foreign policy and it would affect our interacton with Russia….it might turn into a power struggle.

  Because, Hillary Clinton as vice president,  {who would not concede the night she was fully aware that she was closed out from being the presidential hopeful of the democratic party},  might then use the influence of her husband  former President Bill Clinton. 

Now,  the question would be,  does Hillary Clinton have the right to challenge the sitting president and his decisions on foreign policies, etc., in a pubic and political arena?

  Would she keep quiet if she does not agree with her president’s policies…or would she wage a full scale campaign if her views on how to procede on a specific policy by Obama were not in accord.

  Hillary  Clinton is a strong woman,  which  I admire for her candor, and her tenaciousness…however….it may not bode well for a new president.  Each president has to carve his or her own path and agenda for the country that he or she may lead.  However,  to have a formidable foe,  close at hand picking and judgeing  may not prove will for Obama. 

Could Hillary Clinton and Former President Clinton possibly drive the car from the back seat?  Could Vice President Hillary Clinton sit quietly while President Obama makes decisions that she does not agree with?  Would Vice President Clinton be able to maintain decorum and not challenge President Obama’s  goals,  or moves as president? 

I have never heard Mr. Cheny say anything that could be interperted as questioning or challenging President Bush.  Mr.  Cheny appears to always have been supportive.

Therefore it might be a general thought amongst more people than just myself, that Hillary  Clinton might be able to help get Obama elected…but may prove to be more of a staunch critic of Obama and his(((lack of experience))))  under the spotlight of former President Bill Clinton. 

Such powerful company to keep…  but the question is ….can Obama not be intimadated by such a powerful husband and wife team?

What do you think?



 I found a very delightful movie that I want to share with you!  It is called,  EVANALMIGHTY! 

  The movie stars Steve Carell, comedian as Congressman Baxter, and Morgan Freeman as God!  What a powerhouse of acting indeed!   It was so adorable with the usage of the animals and the comedic interaction of Steve Carell and his dilemma with  God, Morgan Freeman,  requesting him to build the Ark. 

  Steve Carrell, as the Junior Congressman found himself surrounded by the number 614. 

 He saw it on his alarm clock, on his license plates and various places throughout his day.  He finally passed out while Congress was in session after  he said the pledge of alligence.    The pressure and the animals starting coming in twos! 

He, Baxter, the Junior Congressman finds himself overtaken by animals. specifically birds, while in his office.  The animals do not leave once other people come on the scene. 

 Everyone is eyeing him strangely and he tries to explain himself!  His wife begins to grow concerned when he awakes one morning and cannot seem to shave the over night beard shadow…which appears to be a weeks worth of growth. 

 Soon the animals are there in his yard…bears, wolves, chipmunks, lions,  oxen, cows, dogs, etc., etc., He begins to build the ark for the Lord and then finds his job, and family life are in jeopardy! 

 But in the end with all of the spectators watching the expected flood arrives, and everyone who did laugh at him found themselves in awe of him and could not believe their eyes! 

The Senior Congressman played by Roseanne Bar’s T.V. Husband,  John Goodman is the “villian” who cut corners on the building of a dam and then found the ark siiting outside the capitol buidling. 

 Steve Carell transitions  from a very clean upright newscaster turned congressman into a frantic, then committed man.  He wins in the end and you feel good for him and his victory!

 The movie was a delight.  Light politics,  family togetherness, ecological concerns were all a part of this lighthearted, look at the reason for the ark being built.

Rent it,  buy it.  Easy watching except for the stress of watching the dam break and other moments like that!  Good, clean fun!
