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Archive for February 3, 2008

DAVY JONES AND the CRACKEN! Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man’s Chest!

JEWELZ HAND.jpgWhat is it about this movie  PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN- DEAD MAN’S CHEST, that I love so much?!   Well,  today class,  we will discuss Davy Jones and his pet cracken…. in continuing in my  favorite movie triology action/drama/comedy Pirates of the Caribbean we  will now talk about my most favorite villian Davy Jones!  Class please feel to free to comment!

   At first he scared me with his “dread lock” tenticles!    Davy Jones was a first in the animation blue technique.  The computer graphics,  the artistic stretch and intense attention to detail is also a fabulous testiment to what mankind can achieve!

  Education, and attention to excellence made this character of Davy Jones believeable!  I constantly looked for flaws and weakness in the cinematography and I could not find it.  I even paused the video,  slowed the video and studied the faces of the”fish people” at various times during the movie. 

 For example Will Turner, the handsome traditional leading man of the movie, a.k.a. Orlando Bloom,  first comes into contact with Davy Jones and his computer generated ship the Flying Dutchman,  after he is knocked over board from the Black Pearl by Jack Sparrow a.k.a. Johnny Depp. 

 When Will heard that the Cracken– a huge squid/ octopus that is the “pet”  of squid head Davy Jones,  could suck a man’s face clean off his head….he found that to be true when he came upon  the wreckage of a ship with some few survivors. 

 Will found a man without a face.  I did a close up with my hand controller and could not see any flaws in the computer/madeup suctioned face!  Disney apparently did not spare any expense in the making of this movie.  I love it! 

  Respect the intelligence of your audience and they will keep coming back for more!!!!

While looking at the suctioned face man, suddenly the “fish people, arrived on the ship from within the walls of the ship….alive yet dead.

  One fish faced man, apparently a ship mate in high standing with Davy Jones gave the order for the lone survivors of this wrecked ship to “Get down on your marrow bones and pray!”  At that point Will Turner began to fight for his life with the fish people. 

 Davy Jones then arrived on board this doomed boat with its doomed crew and began to speak in the most interesting accent I have ever enjoyed listening too–and asked one very injured crew member  “Do you fear death?”

  His eyes were glowing from the colors known to be in the eyes of squid and octopus…that glow in the ocean naturally, and his tenticales moved effortlessly around his pirate hat, shoulders, and chest.  He was so ugly,  yet so handsome. 

 The designer of the character’s appearance had explained in the commentary in the special features of the movie that he had created this character depiction of Davy Jones from  his own mind!  

The voice of the actor was so intriquing that my son Jay Jewels and I immate it while joking around at home sometimes!!!  LOL!!! 

 My son has the best talent for voice, and vocal inflection of Davy Jones!  The first statement that Davy Jones makes to Will Turner  is “You are neither dead nor dying!  What is your purpose here?!   Will,  surprisingly unafraid of the fierce looking half human/half squid faced harsh pirate Davy Jones   stated,  I am here to pay the debt of Jack Sparrow! 

 Suddenly Davy Jones stood quite still and repeated again,  “What is your purpose here?!  After Davy Jones and Will were talking for a bit,  the camera turns back to the curious look of Jack Sparrow who is watching from what he thought was a safe distance.  But to my dear silly Jack’s shock and dismay Davy Jones turned in his direction while talking to see Jack looking though a spy glass. 

 No sooner did Davy Jones turn and look with glowing golden eyes did Davy Jones suddenly appear on board the ship deck of the  Black Pearl!   To  which Jack responded in shock! 

 That was so funny that I and my son rewind that part several times when we watch the video!  I enjoy the interaction between Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones.  Even though Jack is in deep debt to Davy Jones for raising the Black Pearl from the depths of ocean,  he is allowed to plead his case, stating that he has only been a captain of a ship for only 2 years because Captain Barbosa had mutinied against him. 

 However,  Davy Jones turned to him and had the fish people crew laughing and said, ” Well you were a poor captain….but a captain nonetheless!” 

 You owe me an eternity of service!”  As the movie goes it is a fight for Jack to stay away from Davy Jones and his Cracken.  Jack decides to get the heart that lies within the chest that is hidden on an island somewhere.

Davy Jones is evil but yet has his concerns too.  He has moments of sadness in which  he thinks of his lost love —unknown to the audience.

Davy Jones also plays a “mean” church organ that is installed in the Flying Dutchman.  Will Turner had to stay on his ship until  the payment for Jack Sparrow’s soul be made in full.  But while on the ship Will finds his father who has been missing for years….Ole’ Boot Strap William Turner,  as member of Davy Jones crew. 

Will determines to get his father away and let him be free from his debt to Davy Jones.  However,  as the movie  triology progresses,  the turn of events for  Will Turner,  the “pup” of Boot Strap William Turner finds out that his desire to save his father’s very soul becomes sticky.  He may loose more than he gains. 

Davy  Jone’s Cracken had its own unique personality as  well.  The cracken attacked many ships  and broke them in half.  But when the cracken finally got its tenticles on the Black Pearl,  it gently took Jack Sparrow,  who had been through a turn of circumstance and handcuffed  to the main mast of ship  by Elizabeth,  who had wavered in her like,  hate,  love, and attraction –into finally deciding to save everyone including Will Turner by making Jack Sparrow stay on the Black Pearl  at the end of the movie and go down with his ship

 But what made the cracken have a unique twist is how it handled its aquiring of the pirate and his ship. 

Instead of breaking the Black Pearl in half,  the cracken gently rolled the ship over after if swallowed Jack  and turned the boat over and then took it gently to Davy Jones locker,  where we meet up with Jack in the final of the three pictures of ” Pirates of the Caribbean – At World’s  End.”  It was masterfully made,  and every bit if attention was given to detail. 

The best part of the end of DeadMan’s  chest,  was how angry Davy Jones got when he realized that the chest did not hold his heart!!!!  He screamed ,”JACK SPARROW!!!!!!”  

 The most exciting part of the end of this second movie was how Captain Barbosa was raised from the dead  by Diadalma the Obia (witch craft woman—whose role is stronger than the audience at that time is aware)  to assist in getting Jack Sparrow and the Black Pearl from Davy Jones locker.

I will discuss how much I truly enjoy  Captain Barbosa and even Elizabeth,  the monkey,  the dog with the keys,  and many other of the characters in this my favorite trilogy of movies.

Comments?   Send em!

Till next “Pirates of the Caribbean”  post:



JEWELZ HAND.jpgI am going to discuss in the next few posts various aspects of the Pirates of the Caribbean triology.  So today class….we will venture to the introductory movie “Curse of the Black Pearl.”

  In this first of the triology we are introduced into the world of pirates by a little girl singing. 

 That little girl grows up before our eyes….that little girl is Elizabeth!  She is singing a pirate song which so unnerved a man on the ship she was sailing with her father the govenor enroute to the West Indies and Caribbean. 

 The ship captain told her a bit about pirates to which end her father told him to please not give her such information.  Elizabeth then spied a boy floating in the ocean. 

 That boy turned out to be another person who grew up before our eyes in the triology. 

 Once the call for man over board went out and the boy was retrieved from the  foggy sea and placed in the “care”  of a 10 year old Elizabeth,  the crew then observed the mass destruction from which they had saved the boy Will Turner.

  It appeared that the ship he had been sailing on had been destroyed,  broken and burned.  It also appeared that young Will Turner had been the only survivor.  While the ship and crew were occupied  with the severe destruction before their eyes,  Elizbeth found a chain with a coin on Will’s  neck. 

He woke for a moment to tell her his name and then passed out again.  Elizabeth took the coin and chain for safe keeping.  The coin she believed would have caused Will more problems because it was the coin of pirating!   

 The scene fades to black and then you see a more mature and grown up Elizabeth awaking from her slumber and looking in her night table and she then takes out the coin and chain she had taken from Will Turner’s neck years before. 

To cut to the chase she arises, gets dressed, and finds herself in a extremely tight frock that her father gave her as a gift and standing at a ceremony for the Commodore. 

The Commodore then attempted to propose marriage to  Elizabeth but she fainted and fell over a wall into the ocean below.  At this point Johnny  Depp a.k.a. Jack Sparrow enters the movie just before Elizbeth falls to her near death.  Jack Sparrow is entertaining two “soliders” who were guarding a ship for the Royal Navy.  Jack was attempting to “steal” the ship and got into a long conversation about the Black Pearl and it’s actual existence or not.  When suddenly they hear a splash and hear the Commodore screaming and looking into the ocean where Elizabeth fell. 

 Jack Sparrow, (Johnny Depp—a “friend in my head” (please excuse my coining a phrase by noted celebrity gossip radio personality a.k.a. Diva and Queen of all media Shock Jock—Wendy Williams at 107.5 WBLS) jumped into the ocean and saved Elizabeth. 

I just love Johnny Depp!!  His role as Jack Sparrow is similar to a little bit of an IMP!  You know a bad little elf or mischievious spirit that creates issues and runs and hides himself  while everyone is trying to sort out the mess that was left behind!   I love his make up and his “drunken pseudo feminine swagger and  gait.”

   Some how what would look silly and stupid on a different actor all works wonders towards the plot,  the scenes, and the motivation within “Curse of the Black Pearl.”   When I first saw the movie I did not even have time to think of it as a movie. 

You know what I mean right?  While you watch some movies you have a self awareness that this is a fantasy, drama,  action film or whatever….but with the simple conduct of the actors from Will Turner’s character, to Elizabeth’s character and even her forgiving father the governor….I found myself lost in the movie!  

 I did not want my adventure with these lovable charactors to ever end.  Maybe it was Johnny Depp who brings so much to life in his portrayal of a “never say die character.”   Johnny really surprised me with the ease to which he apparently did alot of his own stunts after he was arrested by the Commodore for being a pirate. 

 I loved the statement that he Jack Sparrow made after he was being considered for the gallows for hanging….when the Commodore tried to explain that “One good deed after a life time of wickedness is not enough to save a man.”  — and then my lovable “friend in my head“(Wendy Williams reference 107.5 WBLS)  Jack Sparrow  replied–“No, but it is enough to condemm him!” 

At which point Jack Sparrow made up his mind to get his freedom since the “dye had been cast”  to send him to the gallows for bearing  a brand on his arm of “P” for pirate.  

The first interaction of Johhnny and Elizabeth give us a hint of some romantic tension between them  when he grabs her in an effort to attain his freedom by holding her hostage while he gives orders to the Commodore with a threat of “possible harm”  to Elizabeth while he awaits his  personal belongings (i.e. his sword, gun,  buckler, and hat).  He had Elizabeth are caught in a too close embrace while he has her to place his property back on his body and he then tosses her back to her father and Commodore and takes off on a wild swing above their heads after he cuts a rope free. 

 He lands back on ground while a barage of gun fire follows him.  He eventually ends up in Will Turners residence where he creates swords as his training and skill warrant. 

 Jack Sparrow and Will Turner  begin to duel and threaten each other.  But Jack Sparrow always the witty one…teases Will Turner and tells him that he needs to “Get a girl Mate!”   When Will finally leaves Jack Sparrow without a sword,  he finds himself staring down the barrel of Jack Sparrow’s  gun. 

 And as a surprise to the audience,  Jack Sparrow practically pleads with Will to lead him run free because the gun he has is only loaded with one bullet that is not meant for him.  Will,  a slave to morality and has a hatred for pirates says no. 

Suddenly the Commodore is at the door of the sword shop and Will’s  “sleeping boss”  awakes to hit Jack over the head with a bottle—this of course knocks Jack out and the Commodore thanks the man for his asssitance to Will’s  dismay! 

 This movie moves right along and poor Elizabeth is kidnapped by the crew of the Black Pearl, because she is in possession of the pirate coin that holds the key to the crew from being the walking, talking dead—-thus  the curse that they are trying to get rid of. 

The movie picks up speed from this point on.  Suddenly  finds himself with Jack Sparrow partnered up to get the Black Pearl,  and get Elizabeth away from the crew  and the infamous Captain Barbosa who mutinied the ship away from Jack 10 years ago and left him for dead on a deserted island.   

 Those who have seen the movie know how this ends.  But all I want to really say….I love Johnny Depp! 

 He is so very likeable as a “bad” pirate….you just can’t stay angry with his character?


The Real Jack Sparrow


 He is so likeable that people who hate him like him.  Such great acting.  I have truly watched this movie hundreds of times!!!!!

Till next blog entry on my  favorite triology:  Pirates of the Caribbean!!

Any comments?