Riveroflifelisajoy’s Weblog

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Archive for February 28, 2008


big-summer-sky-at-dusk.jpgLook,  I am not a politics buff….but one thing I do know…..I heard 1010Wins  RADIO ROAD TO THE WHITE HOUSE,  state  that Hillary  Clinton is considering conceding defeat?!!!!


 Whaaaaaattt?????!!!!  Impossible says I!  NOt to be believed says I!  Hillary Clinton could not possibly give in so easily? 


 I was at a job related function yesterday and I heard  a several teachers, and a principal of a school discussing the issue.


  Some were thinking over the experience issues between Hillary and Obama.  It was interesting to hear.  One person who was black did not seem so impressed with Obama’s experience. 


 While another person who was also black,  was apparently happy about Obama’s  too close to the White House success in the primaries nationally! 


 They then compared how Jessie Jackson had made a bid for the White House.  However, they then  considered that Jessie Jackson did not appeal to middle America in his stance on issues or his way of speech or both. 


 They thought about it and bantered the topic,  but is was obvious who had Obama political fever and who did not. 


 I sat there for a minute, since I was not directly in the conversation, and I did start to get a little bit in awe of the history taking place before our eyes, and ears! 


My father was a World War II Veteran….my father cared for his wife and children.  My father brought a house in SpringfieldGardens that had a acre lot and a large bongalo house. 


My dreams have been realized through the fact that my father dared to dream and dared to step out from his comfort zone!  So  dreamers can be success stories!  Ya know?


 Mr. Obama,  I will definitely keep you, and Hillary Clinton in my prayers.  This is a momentous moment in time….savor it,  inhale it,  taste it! 


 It tastes like a green meadow at sunrise, wet with the dew of promise after a  midnight of malstrom storms and thunderous clamor. 


 Let that clamor and noise be the change of the century!


  Let Obama and Hillary bring fourth a New Begining for the future of mankind and the world!


Till next Hillary and Obama blog—



J. Michael Bloom remembered by Lisa Joy…Thank you for the memories Mr. Bloom


NO,  I did not become a rich and famous person by my association with the J. Michael Bloom & Associates.  But I did become wealthy in understanding of the world around me and it’s possibilties!

  I went to the J. Michael Bloom company when I was about 21 years old.  I worked there for about 5 years.  I  always had a way of being that allowed me to be in places that expected descrete conduct!  I guess  I made an impression and I was hired by company.

  I was also quite shy!  But I loved actors, and acting.  While I attended Queens College I had taken stage direction class.

  When I was a child my mother (in an effort to break me from my with drawn behavior) placed me in an  acting class and I played the lead role to “Member of the Wedding” stage play. 

So I really thought about acting when I was older and understood what it was about a littler better than when I was nine years old.   I loved to decide how a stage play should be handled, but I was too shy to even cope at that point in my life. 

 I was very withdrawn in some areas of my life.  But the J. Michael Bloom company did not judge me.  They liked me and they hired me.  The office manager was very kind and motherly in her approach toward me. 

 Once I had been in a car accident,  the J. Michael Bloom and Associates Office Manager,  Janice Morrision placed me on the health insurance to protect my health for the future.

  I was still quite shy….but they were full of compassion on a young  sheltered woman as myself.  I really appreciated that.

  Although the office manager placed me on their health insurance coverage,  that had to come from the top of the orangization!  J. Michael Bloom the man,  had trusted her judgement.

  I had met him many times when he would come from California to address business in the New York Office.  Every year at Christmas the office parties were filled with all of the foods, and decorations that make the holidays quaint, and joyous! 

 Michael Bloom  would always talk individually to each worker after the party and give a bonus check!  He wrote a very kind and inspirational note to my mother about the type of worker I was!

  I was so  honored that he even noticed an office worker such as myself!  Because I sing,  the office manager and  the CEO of the company,  Daniel Heffernan were so very kind to tell me where I could go into the Village to record my voice for $15.00!! 

 They even let me go on my lunch break no matter how long it took!

  I was well treated,  I had my own office.  I had my own phone and I was respected while I worked at the J. Michael Bloom & Associates Talent Agency. 

I was able to see people who were famous for their accomplishments in acting or beauty or cuteness or whatever! 

 I so wished I could be like them.  But I could see the star quality that made them stand out from the rest.

  I began to learn to look around me and use the information for my own life.  My learning experience was to strive to be the best I could be in whatever field of interest I approached. 

 There are so many life lessons I had received when I left the J. Michael Bloom Talent Agency!  The most important is that I can achieve! 

 Famous people,  people lawded for their accomplishments are merely humanbeings who refused to let the odds stacked against them slow their drive or stop their goals. 

 Some people are truly naturals!  That is true also! 

 Sometimes it is the “luck of the draw.”  But many times it is chemistry!  How did I get the opportunity to be in the halls of J. Michael Bloom for five years?

  I do not know. 

 But I did start out as a temp and then I was hired permaently!  I have had dreams where I still feel the green carpet under my feet.

  Sometimes I would   arrive early and I would be all alone in the office.  It was peaceful there….nothing to be afraid of.

  I have had dreams and awoke remembering myself walking down the halls and exiting the lobby entering the bronze elevator.

  Well, in my mind now,  J. Michael Bloom  is walking the halls  and laughing  and talking to his clients and staff.  

 Thank you J. Michael Bloom for touching my life with the possibility to dream! 

