Riveroflifelisajoy’s Weblog

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Archive for February 6, 2008

“Molestation by a Minister”– (NON-Fiction story written by Riveroflifelisajoy) Now watch…—T.D. Jakes Movie Woman Thou Art Loosed! wATCH THIS MOVIE AND LEARN LIFE’S LESSONS!

LIFE STARTS HERE.jpgFirst Saturday 

The little girl was lead down the dark dank cement staircase into a large open room in the basement of a church.  It was not her church.  It was a church that she would come to for math tutoring.

   There were chairs  and tables set up in a circular patten.  The little girl was lead to a table with three chairs.  She sat down and began to open her books.  She was shy and withdrawn naturally. 

  A predator could smell her fear of the world a mile away.  She sent out the signals and the signals were received.  She however, did not realized that her quiet seven year old shyness was a attractive to the predator. 

Once the tutoring session began and the other students had taken their seats,  the pedator made his way from table to table.  He sat down,  or leaned over in a standing position toward the other students.

  The first day with his little victim/ or prey was simple and quiet.  He asked her questions about her school work and he observed her closely.  She was very,  very,  withdrawn and barely raised her voice  above a whisper.

  “Yes,  yes,” the predator thought to himself in deep internal excitement.  If the little girl had looked up from her work   she would have seen   the predator tutor’s eyes—; she would have seen the hungry gleam eminating from deep within his very soul and his eyes! 

But instead, as was her usual reaction to new places, and people,  she kept her head down.  Keeping her head down and barely talking above a whisper made the predator want to take action right then and there. 

 But wait,  he had to get his prey comfortable, and relaxed.  He could see her nervousness too.  So wait,  he told himself,  wait.

  Soon she will be mine.  The hour and one half was up.  The students all filed out of the dank old church basement, and up into the fresh air  and glided over to their waiting parents.

  The little prey walked timidly toward her mother along side her more fearless big sister.  The predator decided right then to separate the two sisters according to age and grade.

  Lucky for the predator,  the prey was the only 2nd grader in the tutoring program.  He would put her at a table all by herself.  She would never complain like the other kids.

  She is very docile….bendable,  and plyable too.  With every thought he grew more excited and could not wait for the next Saturday program. 

 What great plans he had for this new meat! 

 Second   Saturday

Once again the little girl was lead down the dark, dank cement church basement  steps for math tutoring with the minister.   He made an announcement to the students to sit at the desk where the age and grades were their own.  

 He  lead the shy prey to her and his personal singular table with two chairs.  One for him and one for her.  He sat his chair very,  very close to her.

He began to talk in low tones about her math.  He gave her some assignments and some math equations and went to the other students to assist them.  

He could barely keep his mind on his work.  He wanted to sit next to this shy little girl. 

 She was clean, and neat, and terrified of the world around her.  The predator tried to convince himself that he must calm down.  He must be patient.

  Once he had all of the other students working on computations, and english assignments,  he went back to his quietly waiting timid prey.  He sat next to her, and she inched over slightly away from him. 

 He began to talk to her and then he placed a hand every so gently on her thigh.  She jumped.  She glanced up at him slightly and then looked back at her school work.  Inside the pedator laughed to himself in glee.  The prey began to cry in a low whimper.

3 Weeks Later  on Monday

The little prey had become uneasy as her mother questioned her.  She began to cry.  Her sister had told her mother that she noticed something funny going on at the little prey’s tutuoring table. 

The mother took out dolls and  had the little prey act out anything that she could not say.  Once the entire story came out  the mother told her husband — the little prey’s father. 

 They decided to go to the police and also go to the church.  The little prey remembered, years later that she had experienced pain in her lower region,  pain so severe that she would squeeze her eyes shut so  as to block out the memory of the predator’s large fingers and what they had done to cause her such pain while she had tried to learn her math lessons! 

 She remembered the smell of the dank basement and the look of the predator;  she remembered his fingers, and finger nails that were neatly clipped and clean, but caused her extreme pain! 

She remembered his plain black minister’s suite and white collar,  and the whisper in her ear to be quiet,  and “don’t make noise, you do not  want to disturb the other students.” 

 The little prey remembered hearing her parents yelling at the top of their lungs after she dismissed and was sent to bed ….so that “grown folks could decide what to do. “

******* You see the problem was that the little prey was black, and the predator was white.  It was 1967 and racism was still alive and well in society.******* 

 Who would they,  (the church) believe?  The  white Minister of a respected very powerful religious organization,  or a 7 year old little black girl?

   The answer :   the minister was not arrested.  He promised to seek counseling.  The little girl stopped the math tutoring. 

The final outcome of the predator is unknown.  But the little girl went on to have problems in math forever, and ever  AMEN. 

The characters in this story are real.  The names have been omitted for obvious reasons. 

The movie by T.D. JAKES—WOMAN THOU ART LOOSED….pay homage to “little prey”  and her brothers and sisters who have been victimized  throughout history. 

Please watch your children closely,  watch the people around your children closely…..and try not to leave them unattended with any one at all.



Calypso the Love of Davy Jones: Pirates of the Caribbean – AT WORLD’S END—UNIQUE LOVE STORY*** IN A DISNEY MOVIE***! WOW!!!


Okay, my friends, time for more of my discussion of my love of one of my most favorite trilogies….Pirates of the Caribbean. 

 Today I want to discuss Tia Dalma a.k.a. Calypso the goddess of the Sea.  She has unqiue features like  black lips,  black paint under her  eyes, and dreadlocks.  

 She has been visited by Jack Sparrow and company,  i.e. Will Turner,  Elizabeth and some of the crew members,  and then again by Will Turner after Jack Sparrow was taken to Davy Jones Locker by the Kracken.  Tia Dalma was always willing to help them.

 She lives in the  deep forest  in the West Indies (Caribbean) surrounded by faceless  forest people.  She has a hut that has strange and odd looking jars filled with eyeballs and what not….But you can’t seem   to   be truly afraid of her.

  You kind of like her.  She is not really happy,  but not really angry either.  You find that she is willing to help those around her. She has strong views and concepts and seems to see the future of the key players in the movie.  She constantly warns Will Turner of his “Touch of Destiny!”

Did you even think that Davy Jones could love anybody?  Certainly not the OBIA (witchcraft)  woman! 

 I was surprised that  the young actress that portrayed the fabulous,  loving, changing,  angry  Tia Dalma turned out to be the only one true weakness of Davy the Squid Head Jones!  

 Diadalma even said it herself,  “There is an evil on the seas that even the staunchess pirates fear!” 

  But when Tia  Dalama spoke directly to Davy Jones before she was released from her intombed body space,  she told him” You have corrupted your purpose.” 

Davy Jones had taken to the seas in fearce angry retribution on the sailors and their boats.  Davy Jones unleash the Kracken on “innocent ships and sailors, or pirates”  then he  would ask people if they feared death. 

 He would enlist or force them into servitude to the Fying Dutchman if they feared death.  Little did the unsuspecting dying sailors know….but they would soon be in a worse condition than if they had dyed at sea. 

Tia Dalma was to  blame,  (in Davy Jones mind) for his change of heart.  Davy Jones job was to ferry the dead to the other side,  and then come to land every ten years.

  Because Davy Jones loved Tia  Dalma a.k.a.  Calypso, he became angry when she did not show up for their meeting after his ten years at sea.  His feelings  and heart hurt so much that he wanted to end the pain. 

 He then cut out his heart,  and thus you know how that all went.  Dispite the scary appearance of Davy Jones,  I felt a slight pang  of compassion for this sailor turned monster at sea whenever he sat at his “church” organ to play himself to sleep, or soothe his mind. 

 Even though  he placed his heart in a box,  he could not run from his anger an all of his fears. 

 When the Flying Dutchman and the Black Pearl were soaring through the rough waters of the malstrom and shooting and fighting one another….Davy Jones was fighting with Will Turner’s  father and then he knocked him to the floor and told him,”You will not forestall my judgement!” 

  At first hearing this I had thought that he meant that he was going to  finish off the”whelp”  Will Turner junior…..but on seeing it again….I have wondereed if Davy Jones was seeking freedom from his life as the tenatcled sea monster pirate? 

 Was he hoping that Will Turner would take over the job….instead?  So  I believe that he was referring to that…..well any way …only the director and writer truly know what that  statement.

  All I know is that when Davy Jones visited Tia Dalma  he told her that his heart would always belong to her.  

  He loved ocean,  the wind, and the life on and in the ocean.    She smiled and he walked out of her holding room on board the Black Pearl. 

I was happy to see a black woman cast in that role.  I had grown to like her thick West Indian accent,  and her all knowing personality. 

But when she turned around and responded to Will Turner’s  question…”Who told the Brethern Court how to  bind you?!!!   Tia Dalma grew so big that she was as tall as the mast on the ship.  She yelled,  “Say it!  Say it!”  And with that Will Turner yelled Davy Jones and she ballooned up to an unbelieveable size!

 She began shaking her head and saying things in a garbled way and kind of exploded into the same white crabs that helped to pull the black pearl from the depths of  Davy Jones locker. 

 What a sight!  When all of the crabs fell over the ships edge (the Black Pearl)  everybody said…”Is that all?”  Suddenly the wind began to blow and the malstrom kicked up. 

I thought this was wonderful and powerful portrayal of nature fighting back against the rules and establishment!! 

 It was so strange to see Davy Jones look of renewed faith….and even when his heart was stabbed….a  look of peace as he fell off of the Flying Dutchman to his final resting place with Tia Dalma! 

I really loved the music that portrayed the tender love that had gone wrong between Davy Jones and Tia Dalma a.k.a Calypso.

  Now a new story must be told about Will Turner… the hope of the dead who must still be carried to the after life…, and Elizabeth his chillhood love turned  “Pirate King” during the Brethen court meeting.

  What a wonderful pirate, action adventure and double love story!  

Stay tuned for more discussion on the Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy!

Next Time Captain Barbossa,  Singapore, and more!!!!!!

Till next blog,