Riveroflifelisajoy’s Weblog

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Archive for Blogs About Writing Music

Music: Riveroflife CD–I Have Not Let Any One Hear My Music Yet! How do I get started?

my son\’s playlist jay jewelzJump in the RiverJust Another SpringDay by Lisa Joyfullisajoy RiveroflifemusicThis is my CD.  This is the reason I call my blog Riveroflifelisajoy!

 I wrote about 5 five songs on this CD. 

 I went to the Inside/Outside Recording studio in Manhattan owned by RobertTurley!  I love to write music. 

 Robert has the best sounding music that I was inspired to write the words and create a melody to.  I copyrighted my songs through the Library of Congress. 

 I have not sent my music out to any producers or record companies yet.  Why you ask?  I am scared!  Scared of Rejection! Silly right?  I wish that this blog had a sound ability so that I might let you listen to tell me what you think!

I have a style like Roberta Flack.  I am not Areatha Franklin….although I have been told that I have that look?!  I do not think I look like her…but being darkskinned and heavy  people keep comparing me to her.  I tell them I am not traditonal in sound. I am more mellow. 

My songs are varied.  Some of my music sounds INDIE, and yet some of my other music has a Jazz feel.  The words are contemporary Christian and inspirational.  I can write blues, or love songs too.  I just chose to start off in my faith and then branch out.

I have to check into sound from my blog…I want you guys to hear my music so badly!  Get back to you soon on this.
