Riveroflifelisajoy’s Weblog

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Fun Reality: House Wives of the Potomac

Well, here again another public enjoyment!  I love this because I enjoy seeing all the various lifestyles.  The clothing,  the issues, the arguments are amazing.  I am a woman of color who has worked for 25 years in law enforcement.  I wore a uniform to work everyday. So my enjoyment is  pretending that I have beautiful hair and slim body and walk in closets with hair dressers and makeup artists to put me together.  LOL!  I wish I could have some body to get my face ready for work everyday!  The  Housewives complain about silly things…but I enjoy it!  Because I did a dangerous job and did not  have time  for such stuff.

I am retired now, so I can sit back and watch them dispute about  personal issues or public ones inside of these wonderfully built modern homes with swimming pools, Bentleys, and private jets.

I will never have those things…I sit and marvel at the House Wives and wonder how come  I was born on the OTHER SIDE OF THE TRACKs.  But  I still enjoy the show.

Next blog  I will highlight and actual episode.


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