Riveroflifelisajoy’s Weblog

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Flint Michigan? NO WATER??

What has gone wrong in Flint Michigan?  No Water?

Boy am I scared.  I am watching a reporter telling about  Flint Michigan and the water  that has been tainted with lead. When did this Governor go wrong?  What is to become of the poor people of Flint Michigan.  FEMA has been to Flint and delivered  28,00000 bottles  to the 100,00000 people that live there.

Can that  happen in New York?  What are we doing to prevent tainted water in all of the United States?  Can FEMA deliver enough water for the entire country?

I have seen water purchases increase over the years.  I never used to be such a water drinker…however I am beginning to realize that I need to go out and  just collect  water as much as possible. I know that we have been told to create READINESS PACKAGES in case of emergency.  But I have  been unable to buy enough water that I can store for emergencies.  So what do I do?  I have to pay rent,  I have to buy food,  I have  a family to maintain.  Now this  latest horrible mistake has caused me to consider buying  more  water.

What do you think?  jewelz-hand1

The sign of the times is upon us.  How should we protect ourselves from the mistakes of the persons in charge of our  drinking water?  How can we stop this from going  global.  Suggestions  please, because  I want to be proactive on this issue. Thanks.




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